Oct 13, 2012 01:33
Mmm. It's been awhile since I've felt moved to write or draw. Today I did both, and surprise surprise, both pieces were for The Slayers fandom. (Which I guess isn't all that surprising - just finished watching all 5 seasons, and have started tracking down and reading the 8 novels Tokyopop managed to translate before they went belly up.)
My love for Xelloss/Zelgadiss is still burning strong, if today was any evidence. Gotta wonder though why it's so easy for me to draw and write Xelloss when Zelgadiss is actually my favorite... Only-a-towel!Xelloss drawing went off without a hitch, but Clothed!Zelgadiss had to be re-sized for semi-believable anatomy lengths. But I think my favorite part of the entire thing was Xelloss thumbing that crease where his hip meets the thigh (squee!).
As for the fic, I've only got the intro scene beaten out, and I've got a vague idea as to an actual plot(yay, plot~!). Hopefully this creativity will stay long enough for me to actually finish the damn thing instead of it falling into the deep abysal pit known as my WIP folder...