Fic Search

Jun 03, 2009 16:57

So I've fallen back into my "Yay Yu-gi-Oh, go Yugi and Yami" phase (probably cause I've found a place to watch more than a few episodes) and I've been reading fic for it - mostly crossover with Harry Potter because the idea facinates me a lot.

In anycase, there was a fic I read a while back but haven't been able to find. It's Yugi/Yami and has Marik and Bakura along with, and Seto I'm pretty sure. Hermione it turns out is a reincarnation of someone from Atem's day (though I don't think they know that name) and becomes a kind of seer with the millenium necklace.

The first in the series is called 'Yu-gi-oh and Platform Nine and Three Quaters' or something similar. I swear I used to be able to find it but I can't - hopefully someone on here knows it? Because it IS Yugi/Yami I am sure.

Also, does anybody have any episode recs? I'm not known for going through series in a particularly linear fashion... And there's a good number of 'em.

request, recommendation

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