Title: Let It Shatter the Walls
Author: Chey (duelist_gurl163)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/pointless fluff
Parings: YamixYugi
Archive: You're lookin' at it
Warnings: None really
Spoilers: None of consquence
Summary: Some people are too stubborn for their own good. Yami and Yugi would be two of those people.
Read here)
Title: Be All My Sins Remembered
Author: Chey (duelist_gurl163)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst/Romance
Parings: YamixYugi
Archive: You're lookin' at it
Warnings: None really...except extreme Yami!angst...but come on, there's no such thing as too much Yami!angst. Um, and there's a mix of dub and sub concepts in here, so...don't get nitpicky.
Spoilers: the end of the DOMA arc. However, great liberty was taken with dialogue/time frames/scenes. ^^;; Creative license, people!
Summary: How would Yugi ever be able to forgive him when he could never forgive himself?
Read here)
Title: Not a Second I Would Change
Show: Yugioh
Subject: YamixYugi
Genre: Romance/angst
Song: "I Would Have Loved You Anyway"
Artist: Trisha Yearwood
Created: 2006
Watch Here)
X-posted to my journal and my archive journal, sorry F-lists...^^;