"Demon Blood" 'verse: Supernatural AU bonus material 2/?

Jan 26, 2012 23:17

This little fic takes place during Journey: Live and Breathe ( link to story). I wanted to write something kinda fun and schmoopy, but it still has angst in it because I'm probably not capable of writing anything else ever. Well, sarcasm, drama, maybe romance, but angst is my pretty much my one true love in the world of writing.

Anyway, this is a cute little story where Roxy and Danielle take Sam and Dean to a local bowling alley about a week after their arrival at the girls' rental house. Since Danielle's helped Sam construct his mental shields before, he's able to put them back together much more quickly than the last time, but a week of training in between Danielle's schooling and job only gets him so far. It was slightly inspired by a prompt over the Sneezy-Sam comment-fic meme I've been living and breathing the last 10-11 days. It's written completely in present-tense because that's been my big thing over on the meme, but whatever. Enjoy!

Bowling and Pool on a Wednesday Night

“Where are we going?” Sam asks as he pulls on his jacket about a week after he and Dean first arrived at Roxy and Danielle’s place. Roxy glances at her best friend and grins.

“Bowling,” she says. “Dani says you’re doing really well, but we need a good test in a public place to see how you hold up, and bowling is perfect.”

“Bowling?” Dean says. “Seriously?”

“Yeah,” Danielle replies with a bright smile. “Everyone in Utah loves bowling, BYU has its own bowling alley right on campus.”

“Wow,” Dean says. “I did not now that.”

They pile into the Impala and Danielle directs Dean to an alley called Fat Cats. It’s right on the edge of BYU’s campus and across the street from Provo High School, so it’s busy inside, but not too crowded that they have to wait for a lane.

Dean insists on paying for everything, and Roxy can’t bring herself to deny him. She wonders if he feels just as useless as her when it comes to Danielle and Sam. They’re kinda like their own fucking world, sometimes, and there’s no way for Dean or Roxy to ever completely understand what it’s like.


The bowling alley has one pair of shoes that fit Sam’s large feet (“You’re such a sasquatch, Sam.” “Shut up, jerk”), and Dean has to sort through several bowling balls before he finds one that suits his thicker fingers (“Sausage fingers, Dean.” “Well, you’ve got oversized girl hands, bitch.”), but then they get their lane and begin their game.

Danielle and Jared used to go bowling all the time before their move to Wyoming and Jared's death (murder, Roxy, you've gotta keep it all fucking straight), and it seems that a year of downtime hasn’t made much difference on Danielle’s game. Roxy’s never been very good, but she’s having a lot of fun and she wishes that Taryn could have come, too.

Watching Sam and Dean play makes her aware in ways that their physical appearance tends to fail at that they are most definitely siblings. It’s in the way they hold their bowling balls and the precision with which they line themselves up and move.

After that is where you can see how different they really are, however. Where Sam tends to smile or grin at a good aim, Dean goes all out with a loud “Yeah, baby!” followed by a fist punch in the air and a large smile. Damn, if Roxy didn’t have Taryn, she’d be all over Dean in a heartbeat.

Yeah, maybe she loves being bisexual, what of it?

Danielle catches her eye with a knowing grin. Roxy rolls her eyes and throws Danielle’s bright blue beanie in her face while Sam’s distracted by his turn. She hits her dead-on and gets a chuckle out of Dean as well as the finger from her best friend. When a woman from the next lane over tells them that their behavior is inappropriate, Roxy turns and smiles, showing off her lip ring and low-cut top.

The woman steadfastly ignores their group for the rest of the evening.

“So,” Dean says later on, dropping into his seat as Sam goes up to take his turn, “you never said if you saw Jared’s family over Christmas.”

Roxy looks over at Danielle and catches a sad smile on her face. “Yeah,” she says, just loud enough to be heard by their small group. “I saw them.”

“And?” Dean prompts.

“It was good,” Danielle says. “Jared’s mom, Leanne? She was pretty much attached to me the entire time I was there, and we had a good sob after I apologized, and it turns out everyone had actually bought me presents in the hopes that I would come.”

“So it was good, then,” Dean says. “I’m glad.”

Danielle smiles and nods, and Roxy wonders if anyone else can see the darkness in her gaze. There’s something wrong.

Unfortunately, that’s about the time that Sam goes from mildly tense to rubbing at his forehead and wincing tense. Danielle’s on her feet instantly and has Sam’s hand wrapped around her own in less than two seconds. Sam relaxes almost instantly.

“I’ll finish your turn,” Dean quickly volunteers. Roxy watches Danielle as she sits back down and starts running the fingers of her free hand through Sam’s hair soothingly, speaking to him in a soft voice that Roxy can’t make out over the music.

That’s the moment that Roxy realizes two things:

One, Sam and Danielle are probably in love with each other.

And two, there’s no way it’s going to go anywhere past friendship. There isn’t even any sexual tension. Roxy isn’t sure what there is, exactly, but it’s deep and it’s strong, possibly stronger than what Danielle had with Jared, and Roxy hates herself a little for even thinking it.

They finish their game (Danielle wins, of course) and then Roxy gets Dean to teach her how to play pool while Sam and Danielle watch. She isn’t very good at it. She doesn’t care.

The next day she talks to Danielle during their lunch break and comes to understand that the love she and Sam have is the kind that will never go anywhere because both parties are too broken in ways that will take years to fix.

But somehow, it’s all still okay. They’re all okay, and that's what matters the most.

supernatural, fanfic, bonus material, one-shot, demon blood au

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