Productivity #.o5

Sep 23, 2008 01:44

I won`t be working till Thursday so I pretty much have lots of time. [I refuse to clean up my room XD]
This entry is called the 5th installation of my Productivity series is because most of the pictures coming up are editted by me. The original pictures are HUGE and it will kill my connection if I try to upload them all 83

So, on 21st September 2008, a group of friends and I went to Waseda Shibuya Senior High School for their Open House; Seiransai 18 [Run-So-High]. I`ll try give as much detail as I can remember ^^;; My memory is too good XD

Please note: Images posted here are solely to guide your mind to imagine how the event was like. DO NOT REPOST this anywhere else as WaseShibu themselves made it clear of their privacy.

We arrived there at about 11.30am and we could see that the school was packed even from the bus stop.

After entering the front gate, you`re greeted by people at the reception whereby you have you write down your name and school and they will give you an event booklet. *I might scan it up if I seriously have nothing else to do* =P

From the reception, with the guidance of trastoink [Nao] and yamada_akiha [Akiha],syuha [Syu-chan] and I were led to a pool of people who were most definitely already enjoying the event.

They were excited to visit the Haunted House but the queue was damn long x.x [We didn`t even manage to visit it] If I`m not wrong, the first exhibit we entered was the WS Uniform. You get to wear their uniform and take pictures ^^ Here`s a picture of Nao in their Male Uniform.

We were going to queue up for HanaDan [Hana Yori Dango - Stage Play] when something interesting caught our eyes.

Yes, 2 boys in yukata 8D Syu-chan helped me snapped pictures of them ala paparazzi. Then off we went to queue for HanaDan.

If you watched the 2 seasons of Hana Yori Dango, you would have no problem understanding the whole play [which was entirely in Japanese] Though Syu-chan did not watch HYD and had question marks all over her face almost throughout the whole thing, I guess she pretty much enjoyed it. I, for one, miss watching it. *jots down in notebook: download HYD season 1 & 2*

Right after that, we split up because Nao and Akiha went to meet up with nozomi_luv [Bunny], Syu-chan and I went to visit the boys in yukata. The following are the top 3 yukata-wearers X3


[Yes, they are all male ^^]

The arrival of Bunny = camwhoring time

Not long after that, crashedlegend [Jann] arrived. I was pretty much already a little tired and put off by the crowd so Nao, Akiha, Bunny and Jann went around the school again while me and Syu-chan rested near the fountain. As we rest our mind, body and soul [lol] my pathetic ex-boyfriend couldn`t stop calling. Grawr. No matter how long I`ve been ignoring his call that day, he just wouldn`t quit calling.

He was there too but I was praying hard that we wouldn`t bump into him and his friends. >3< [I know, I know. Evil but I can`t help it] There were times when I saw him and I made the group do a detour and the last detour was when we were at the toilet. Filth in the Beauty was playing and they were rushing out of the toilet to headbang to the song but he was there. I made everyone stop and turn the other way.

Thanks to me trying to escape from that loser, we came upon this lonely bishounen sitting by the drain. [So unglamourous but he would have pulled off a photoshoot even if it was in the drain XD]


He made all of us melt with his awkward poses and shy smile. [Whoever you are, we apologise if we scared you ^^;;] The whole group was really bummed right after we walked away from him just like that without even asking for his name. T AT

For the rest of it, we just visited several other stalls and had lots of fun talking and doing crazy/stoopid things XD WE HAD LOADS OF FUN-TERTAINMENT. Well, I know I did. Let`s all hang out again~! =3

Hope you enjoyed reading this ♥

PS: This entry is Public so that some of my friends who do not have eljayy accounts can also view this.

productivity: graphic, personal: event

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