Sampled-Music Meme

Nov 17, 2005 18:33

Okay --- here's the meme:

Name classic songs that you first heard as samples in hip-hop or techno, without knowing what the original sample came from. The better-known the original riff/lick is by the general population, the better, whether you subsequently became a fan of the original thing or not (the idea is to make people say "What?! Everyone knows that old song!"). For example, the first place I ever took note of Led Zeppelin's "The Ocean" was actually in "She's Crafty" by the Beastie Boys. Here are some other classics that I was previously ignorant of:

"Who's That Lady" by the Isley Brothers (sampled by Beastie Boys)
"War Pigs" by Black Sabbath (Ice-T)
"Magic Man" by Heart (Ice-T)
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