"do re mi fa sol ra si do"

Feb 21, 2009 16:28

it seems, that there's nobody to comment my senseless post*___* but it's not so bad for me and I'll be countinuing my useless writting.

today I watched "do re mi..."- another korean movie, which was so great as the others I've watched before. korean movies are 100% better than japanese movies;] I would have to think very long to say some good japanese title... but maybe, I still didn't watch so much japanese movies? oh, oh I have one! "Sky high" with Takao Osawa was good;]

yesterday I came back to DBSK (and left Big Bnag for awhile..) and watched a lot of live performances... it's weird, but they make me feel happy^^ after boring day at school, hearing Xiah's voice was really nice:) I think, that Xiah's parts in songs are the best xP and really don't like Hero's voice, althought he doesn't sing wrong... all DBSK members are talented... (it's not Johnny's Entertainment...) oh, I really like to look at Yunho's face, while he's singing...

*Tae Yang makes my day today*

I quite don't understand my today's mood... it's lil'bit melancholic or something? maybe it's because of "do re mi..." or "Only look at me" listened million times per day...
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