Aug 25, 2004 09:16
Yes indeed, yesterday was my birthday and in honor of my further deterioration (and for complete fucking lack of anything better to write...), here's my current list of martial arts-related injuries:
-Pulled shoulder muscle from overdoing sword suburi
-deep bone bruising on my left knee
-decorative purple forearm bruisings due to someone's crushing grip during a yonkyo pin.....
-official "Rocky"(tm) brand mouse under my left eyebrow as a result of taking a pretty good tegatana strike right in the face
-joint-fluid cyst on my left foot, probably from stressing the joint capsule from taking bad rolls
-blood blister under right toenail due to a heavy, clumsy bastard like Charles smashing my poor digit with his knee
-scar #1,586( number slightly exaggerated...maybe) on my hands from careless fingernails clawing me during a grab
-compound fracture of my right shin w/partial amputation of my genitals due to flying bone shrapnel, i.e. ohgodjimmyIcanseethebonesinmylegsIcanseethebonesinmyfuckingleeeeeeegs!!!!
....that last one may be a lie.........