A little late, but...

Oct 20, 2009 12:24

Even I'm confused by this whole thing with Obama getting the Nobel Prize. Now, it's not that I don't think he has the capacity to earn it legitimately, but at this point...isn't it a little premature? Since when do the Swiss hand out Nobel Prizes anachronistically? If you ask me, the Swiss are trying to suck up. Or they're giving it to him for not being Bush, which is even more ass (I know, I didn't like the man, but winning for not being someone the world didn't like is absolutely stupid).

(Please, no responses about likes or dislikes of Obama. This is specifically about the WTFery of him winning the Nobel Prize for not having done anything spectacular or even particularly noteworthy to earn it. Off topic comments will be deleted..WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE!!!)
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