This Journal Does Not Promote of the Cool Act of Stealing

Dec 11, 2008 13:06

...that being said, this was stolen from luckydawolf, which was previously stolen from other people, and possibly stolen before that, I haven't done the research.

Anyway! Let's see what you all know. Whoever has the most points and isn't named Shadow Kiana...I guess we can discuss some sort of prize or something. (Comments screened and points re-distributed to suit my grading scale)

(1 Points) What's my first name:
(3 Point) My last name:
(5 Points) Take a stab at my middle name:
(2 Points) Where do I live:
(2 Points) What color are my eyes:
(1 Points) Who am I in love with:
(2 Points) Where did we meet:
(3 Points) What am I afraid of:
(4 Points) Describe my taste in the same sex:
(2 Points) Do I smoke:
(3 Points) Do I drink/What do I drink:
(2 Points, +1 point for each name) How many siblings do I have:
(2 Points, +1 point for each name) How many pets do I have:
(4 Points) What's one of my favorite things to do:
(3 Points) Who is/are my favorite person/people:
(3 Points) What's my favorite type of music:
(3 Points) What do I eat on pizza:
(3 Points) Name something I hate:
(3 Points) Name someone I hate:
(5 Points) What are my parents' names:
(4 Points) Name a talent I have:
(5 Points) What are my vices:
(5 Points on creativeness) If I were stranded on a desert island, what would I bring:
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