I've never really taken an interest in that show. Actually I thought it was kind of stupid and I couldn't understand everybody freaking out over it.
Anyhow, I spent a weekend at my friend Mike's birthday party, there were three passionate Yu-Gi-Oh fans there, they taught me the game and it feels like some weird version of Magic. I kept thinking that I need mana to summon the monsters, but it doesn't use any mana, you just bring them out.
I've won which was actually due to luck because it was the very first time I played it.
So when I came back yesterday, I started watching the show...
...and I was surprised that it does look interesting. Yuugi's bit like a male version of Usagi, so cute and trusting. And Yami-Yuugi is really cool. I wonder when he's gonna find out about his second personality. *ggg* That's going to be interesting.
At first I really didn't like Katsuya and Honda (can't remember Honda's first name right now because the guys call each other by last name) That was really mean when Katsuya stole the eye from Yuugi's puzzle and threw it into the river. But I totally forgave him when he dove back in to retrieve it. It seems that he's not simply a school bully, but can be a true friend as well.
Honda's totally in love with Miho, but it seems that she just uses him. I must admit that I don't really like Miho at this point; of the two girls I like Anzu much better. She's direct, she's a tomboy, and she stands up for what she truely believes in.
After only three episodes it's probably a bit early to speculate about ships, but I do think that Yuugi and Anzu would make a very sweet couple. There's defintely a lot of emotion between the two. She stands up for him as Katsuya and Honda bully him and he goes all Yami to protect her from that criminal at Burger world.
So I'm gonna go on watching it and I'm curious what will happen next. So far they haven't played any Yu-Gi-oh yet, but I think they will soon.
My friends at the party however said that the card game they play in the show is very different from the real card game. For example you need to "Special Summon" the monster with three dots on the show while in the game you can just bring them out.
Ich war überrascht, dass die Serie wirklich so interessant ist. Dieses ganze Geheimnis um den Schatz des Pharao - ich hoffe, dass da noch mehr rauskommt. Und Yuugi ist echt niedlich, er ist voll der süße unschuldige kleine Junge, der jedem vertraut.
Am Anfang hätt' ich Katsuya und Honda (weiß seinen Vornamen immer noch nicht, werd' ihn aber gleich nachgucken) so in die Tonne treten können, aber inzwischen haben sie bewiesen, dass sie auch echte Freunde sein können und ich denke mal, das bleibt jetzt auch so, dass sie mit Yuugi befreundet bleiben.
Was die beiden Mädels angeht, mag ich Anzu definitiv lieber, Miho ist mir ein bißchen zu tussenhaft. Obwohl ich sagen muß, dass sie mich ein wenig an Sora und Mimi erinnern. In diesen Shounen-Animes gibt es ja immer das burschikose Mädel und die Tussi. *g* Bleibt abzuwarten, ob Miho noch mehr drauf hat, außer süß lächeln und die Jungs gegeneinander auszuspielen.
Aber Anzu mag ich echt gern - und sie und Yuugi wären so ein süßes Paar. Sollte ich jemals so weit kommen, dass ich zu Yu-Gi-Oh Fanfic schreibe, könnten die beiden eines meiner OTPs werden.
Na, dann werd' ich mal weitergucken. Bitte seid so gut und schüttet mich nicht allzusehr mit Spoilern zu. Ich weiß, dass noch sehr viel mehr interessante Charas auf mich warten, wie Pegasus und Seto Kaiba und Ryo Bakura, aber von der Handlung selbst weiß ich noch nicht allzuviel.