Jan 01, 2036 15:43

friends only

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night_serenade April 12 2010, 20:35:42 UTC
heyyyyy~~~ ^^

so, looking forward to becoming good frienddds =)

I've been so behind in the world of J-Pop and anime and such because I've been so preoccupied with K-Pop XD
and dramas~♥

but this summer, I'll make my life a mix of everything XD

whenever you like, you can send me messages or anything ~!! i love receiving messages =) and we can talk about anythingggg~ XD

yay for craziness XD



yamashita_pink April 13 2010, 03:40:56 UTC
me too! i'm looking forward to becoming good friends with you~!! :)
we're the same i need to catch up with the world of Jpop and JDramas :)
from what country are you? :) if you don't mind me asking :D


night_serenade April 14 2010, 12:08:38 UTC
haha XD we're behinddd~

and I don't mind ^^
I live in Canada, but I'm a mix, hee hee~ that sounds so funny XD

what about you??


yamashita_pink April 15 2010, 03:08:04 UTC
i'm from the Philippines :)
mix? so you're half?


night_serenade April 15 2010, 11:24:16 UTC
ahhh so cool! you're lucky~ lots of groups go to the philippines!!

yupp~ at my school there arent very many (many of the people are asian ^^)
I'm called a whasian XD its so funny~


yamashita_pink April 15 2010, 11:29:33 UTC
yes many groups visits and have a tour here but i always miss it :(
it's either i'm busy or i don't have transportation going to that place!
it's really depressing :(

whasian? you're half what?


night_serenade April 17 2010, 14:37:54 UTC
awww! that sucks T_T
i would want to see U-Kiss and SHINee and everyone and OMG that wouldnt be fair DX

well, I'm part chinese ^^
and then half eurpean =)

weee~ I wanna go to the philippines one day XD


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