I might call Hiro a Crazy Sexy Psyco but whoever called him Evil i said he wasnt, because he didnt kill masume, while Gota is a bigger psyco then Hiro, I loved episode 4, Mini Hiro, Why does Tori always play my favourite boys, the Ones who act like bad boys but inside, care soo much , and have a past,
Serously i just want to make a Brother open your eyes and go away from the darkness vid haha, but then episode 5 .... i have to wait a week for dammmm... ( they might not be brothers but growing up together, makes them like one )
( Hiro thinks about throwing the necklace away )
( Hiro's past with Gota How cute :)!!! LOving the green and white
( Afterr Remembering Who he is , he puts it back on )
( Open your Eyes Gota )