i was going to post this as soon as midnight hit on the 17th in Japan but i was going to wait to post with my vid but i can't even get on Tono it normally wakes up after 2 hours of being on , but nope its now 7.30pm at night here in the UK ...
looks like i will have to settle for a wallpaper instead of vid.. i spent 6 hours trying to find a cute perfect song for her to ... so annoying
oh well
as soon as it hit midnight i have been spamming Rin photos of my Profile so its been fun and i have had alot of fun.
Proud to have you as My Female Idol and can't wait for next year for all your TV Shows to look forward to and your Movie out on Dvd , Tori and You are going make me BROKE HAHA :)!
and you new this was coming !
MY Bro on Facebook MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD BEFORE ... i was nearly on the floor, He said He thought at first it was a Condom she was holding HAHA !!!
In which i will leave you with My newest edits i have done this week
and to My Edit with their Kids x
FUNNY Thing is they are the Nest Rumored Red and Pink so if i end up shipping them if they become Official i really am buggered haha mind u they dont look like their profile photos anymore haha