Title: Notice
Pairing: Akamepikoki
daisy_took ♥
Genre: Crack, fluff
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Nope.
Summary: Jin and Koki are fighting for Kame’s attention but Pi totally knocked them out with the least effort.
A/N: Requested by
lanheart. I hope its good enough!
The sound of two people bickering was heard yet again as Kame entered the KAT-TUN dressing room. It was only eight in the morning and his head throbbed harder as the noise got louder. )
and oh, this one ;
“Koki, this is not a girl. It’s a bear. Rilakumma merchandise,”
LOLOLOLOL XDDD you're awesome, eri~! ♪
I'm glad that you commented! But I didn't know you read KAT-TUN. Loll.
i don't read kattun. i only read your kattun XD
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