silly parents~

Aug 29, 2013 23:29

so it turns out my parents didnt tell me the whole truth

i was all feeling special cause they gave me my moms laptop because i needed it more than her. turns out she already had a new one and they didnt tell me!!!

im not mad or anything lol but my dad thought i would be offended that for my birthday i got a hand me down laptop when my mom got a brand new one. honestly, i dont care. she had hardly anything on here for one and for two, its less than a year old. i just wanted a laptop!! i didnt care if it was used or not as long as it worked!

plus, my mom got one with a touch screen. no lie, i HATE anything with a touch screen! so, seriously, it doesnt bother me in the least. it just makes it feel less special than "well, were still looking for a new one for you mom. we knew school was starting for you and you needed it more" you know? lol

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