Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth!!!

May 30, 2012 18:23

wow, yesterday was a pretty long day, but LOTS of fun! :D

we got there around 9:30, but had to wait for my friends cousin who was getting us in for free. the first thing we did was try to find the lockers to put all our snacks in. we couldnt find them, but we DID end up seeing a bunch of characters! (cruella de ville, the queen of hearts, chip & dale {pictures later!}, minnie mouse, donald duck, and goofy! {at some point later in the day, we also saw cinderella and later we also saw pluto. oh yeah, and another minnie mouse}). then, we finally asked a worker and were able to find the lockers!

then, we walked around deciding what to do and ended up in tomorrow land. we got fast passes to go on star tours (a ride that TERRIFIED me as a kid and i havent been on since), and saw that the astro blasters was actually not that bad of a wait, so we went on that. i actually went on my own, cause there were 3 of us and you could only have 2 to a car, but thats ok cause then i got to have 2 guns to myself :) i did my left hand versus my right hand, and my right hand won by a landslide! (right- about 61000, left- about 6000 lol)

then, we went to go get fast passes for space mountain (a ride i went on once and only sort of liked it. im not a fan of drops... especially if i cant see them!), but we couldnt! but the amount of time stated for the line was also unusually short so we decided to just ride it. an hour and a half later (oh yeah, the time stated was SO A LIE!!!) we rode the ride. it was worse than i remembered. almost lost my glasses... when i go down a drop, i run out of breath and cant breathe until it is over. what i end up doing is gagging on... nothing really. so, im doing this... in the dark... on a super fast ride... but my friend said i did better than last time so YAY!

what did we do next? hmm... we were looking in the store... and then we walked to... the castle. thats right. they have changed it a bit. it is so pretty! it looks more like sleeping beautys castle now. we did go through it, but one of my friends was totally uninterested so she didnt stop to look at ANYTHING and i had to rush to keep up with her. boo...

she wanted to go see her friend who worked over by pirates of the carribean. we started to walk over there, and on the way i noticed the haunted mansion had a short-ish line. this is one of my favorite rides, so we rode it. still love it <3

then, we finally found the place where her friend worked. he worked at one of the restaurants and gave us a free drink! we decided we would go there later to eat... juuuuust in case SOMEONE could get us free food.

then, we went in search of sunglasses because one of my friends really needed them. her eyes couldnt adjust quickly enough anytime we went outside. we found some at a store across from indiana jones. guess what. THAT also had a pretty short wait (btw, when i say short, its just "short for that ride". that could mean 45 min lol) so we rode it next! i love that ride too XD (oh, but it was pretty annoying because my friend who was sitting next to me was acting all retarded and had her hands up in the air rocking her body from side to side and she almost knocked my glasses off twice!!! i would have been so mad at her because those glasses are fairly new! ive only had them for just under 3 weeks!!!)

then, it was late-ish so we decided to go back to the restaurant to eat. her friend saw us when we got there and asked the waiter who was supposed to be serving us if he could serve us instead! he ended up not only serving us, but he also gave us free drinks and a free appetizer (those french fries were BOMB!!! in case you ever go, go to cafe orleans and get the fries {i forgot exactly what they are called} on the appetizers menu. make sure you ask for ketchup and ranch. they are soo yummy! {and if i say they are, you know they must be because im PICKY!!!}). then, my friends split a chicken sandwich and i ordered more of the fries since it was the only thing i liked on the menu. THEN we were all full, but couldnt finish our food, but HE BRINGS US DESSERT!!! FREE!!! O.M.G. THAT DESSERT... SOOOOOOO GOOD!!! it was really light so it was pretty easy to eat on a full stomach. he said they usually give those to people for their birthdays. lucky us~ he brings us the bill... LESS THAN $20!!! we tipped him GOOD! (partially because i messed up and read my tip calculator wrong... i said for each of us to pay $4 more than i was supposed to... oh well, he deserved a big tip for all of those freebies! plus he worked a little later than he was supposed to just to serve us ^^ such a nice guy. too bad he has a gf lol)

ok, then, we FINALLY went to california adventure (we had park hopper tickets). there, we went first to get fast passes to get good seats for the world of color show. we accidentally got them for a ride called GRR!!! (lol i love that). that stands for grizzly river rapids. anyway, a worker helped us and we got the right fast passes.

then, we were going to watch the aladdin show, but the next showing wasnt until 6:20. so, we sort of walked around and ended up seeing mr. incredible! then, i found the monsters inc. ride that i didnt know existed and it only had a 15 min wait. so, we rode it. yeah, it was a kids ride, but i still enjoyed it. i like rides like that, ok?! dont judge me! (lol got a little carried away)

then, they wanted to ride tower of terror. no thank you. i let them ride it alone. (i have a system for rides i dont like. i wait in line, and go out the exit when they get ON. so i dont have to be all alone for so long) we go to the line, but realize we cant make it in time for the aladdin show if we ride the ride. the lady working there told us to just get fast passes, but they wouldnt work because they were for the time we needed to go to world of color to get good seats. she felt bad that we had to choose, so she MADE US A FAST PASS FOR 7!!! THE PERFECT TIME!!! so awesome...

the aladdin show was awesome and hilarious. i really enjoyed it. genie is soo funny! :D

they tried to talk me into going on tower of terror, but drops REALLY arent my thing!

they wanted to go on the ferris wheel. heights arent my thing either... they wanted to go on california screamin. no. what do they do? they find another ride thats closer, but it was high so i said id wait for them. they werent happy with me, but im sorry. they already knew how i am with rides! oh well... no biggie. we still had lots of fun!

anyhoo... then, we walked to grr to use our fast passes, only they closed the fast pass line because the regular line was only 5 min... LIES!!! but, again, oh well... we ended up riding that 3 times in a row and got soaked!!! it was fun, even if it was freezing! (it was like 8:30 at night)

we ran back to disneyland to rescue all our stuff from the locker and then ran back to california adventure to go to world of color. that was sooooo cool. we all tried to take pictures and videos, but we forgot cameras so we had to use our phones. they both have iphones so that wouldnt have been too much of a problem if their phones werent dying, and my phone is a piece of crap so its horrible quality and low memory. but its ok, we all still got some stuff.

i got most of the pictures from yesterday and ill post them up soon for yall to see!

even though it was a tues, everything was pretty crowded, so we didnt get to do as much as we would have liked, but thats ok, because when youre with friend, you can have fun in ANY situation! :D

today, i woke up (after sleeping in for so long and almost being late for my volunteer job) with the back of my pelvis, right at the top, in a lot of pain to the touch. i know tomorrow im REEEAAALLY gonna feel it! i dont even want to think of how my legs are gonna feel then! i usually dont get sore until the day after the day after i was doing stuff.

trip, personal life

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