Mar 11, 2012 16:36
just watched "ai, texas" but the full version for the first time. i HATED almost the entire thing!!! i didnt mind him driving the car, liked the "wind" blowing through his hair, and also at the end with the picture laying of the ground. that was a NICE picture hehe
but i didnt like how totally fake it was! i mean, total green screen. ugh. then, i realized something... I DONT THINK HE DID THIS THROUGH JOHNNY!!! IT WAS THROUGH WARNER!!! the copy right was NOT johnny, it was warner! that explains why the video was so bad (johnny would know better than to do that) and why the song was so DIFFERENT!!!
i hope this doesnt mean that he is eventually going to leave je for good T_T
but if he does, i shall continue to always support him!
johnny's entertainment (general),
tomohisa yamashita