the real yellow ranger

Jul 08, 2011 18:00

ok, so, as you already know, i graduated and so i am out of school. which means i dont need any of my notes anymore. so, the other day, i was going through all my school papers to decide which to trash and which to keep when i stumbled upon a doodle i made in Bible class of the yellow eito ranger. i compared it to a real picture i have of him and i was surprised at how close i was! i was surprised because, believe me, i am no artist, and i simply did this doodle from memory. the only part my friend (who is a nishikido ryo addict) helped me with was the moles. so, here is my drawing and in the cut is the real picture that i compared it to. please check it out and let me know what you think!

the few major issues i noticed... first, i have absolutely no clue why i put a mask!!! i dont know where that came from! and second, since when is his hair that short?! some photographic memory...

ryo nishikido, pic, fanwork, personal life

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