funny meme...

Jan 28, 2011 22:49

my friend found this meme and she did it herself too so i am going to as well... its funny and crazy how much i am like this... the bold stuff is the stuff that is true for me... please read especially if youre a NEWS fan! i promise you will laugh hysterically! it is long, but definitely worth it!
follow the link!

1. If someone ever doubts you, you shout, “BELIEVE!” (I haven't done this but that's totally hilarious!)
2. If someone asks, “What’s for dinner tonight?”, you respond, “I want a pumpkin!”
3. You randomly shout “Hallelujah Chance!” with the hand motion.
4. The first Japanese song you learned all of the words to was a NEWS song.
5. You abandoned anime for J-dramas. (I only watched a few anime ,but it's all about jdramas)
6. You abandoned all other fandoms for NEWS and JE.
7. You watch Kanjani8 videos for Ryo. (guilty as charged. but i must admit that i am starting to fall in love with k8)
8. Your brother knows who NEWS are and can name your favorite member. (both! this is pretty sad  considering they are 3 and 8!)
9. You have converted a friend into liking your favorite member, even if they don’t like NEWS. (my best friend helped me almost convert a friend before she moved, and two others started but not quite yet, and we almost converted my sister though she is still in denial!)
10. You think plaid is really cool.
11. You’re running out of room on your computer because you download every video/song/picture. (sadly, i can only do pics cause my mom set up the computer to block actual downloads... i can only save them)
12. You can’t delete pictures, even if the post barely changes. (yeah, i have a big problem with that one)
13. Boy-on-boy action no longer seems weird or gay. (sadly.... that's true now...)
14. Lip syncing is okay. (only when it's done in secret or a close friend or the je boys of course)
15. Boys at school mean nothing because they’re not skinny, sexy Japanese musicians/actors/entertainers. (again... sadly it's true...)
16. Boys in pink are actually really hot. (It's actually growing on me)
17. Sparkles look good on boys. (almost, but not quite...!)
18. Real boy bands need to sing, dance, act, do theatre, and play guitar or any music instrument
19. You’re learning Japanese so you can watch videos without subtitles. (Yep! sure i'm not getting very far, but it's a start.)
20. Your binders are covered with pictures of NEWS. (I wish...)
21. Your bedroom wall is covered in NEWS posters. (does a calendar count?)
22. You never considered buying multiple editions of anything before NEWS. (Totally true!)
23. You spend any money you get on NEWS paraphernalia.
24. You see strawberries and you think, “OISHII!”
25.You brush off people who say, “They look like girls…” (except tegoshi, but thats ok because he is very cute!)
26. The first single you would ever consider buying is one of NEWS’s. (YEP!)
27. You like any band they do (ie: L’arc~en~ciel, Anna Tsuchiya…)
28. You were mad you don’t live in Wisconsin when you found out Tegoshi came. (well i was mad when i found out that NEWS came to LA especially since i live twenty minutes away from there.)
29. You didn’t like yaoi until you discovered NEWS. (yeah it's only tolerable when they do it)
30. You have all PVs in high quality with and without subs. (well... im working on it at least...)
31. You have all the concert tours and ripped audio.
32. You go crazy if you don’t check your LJ because you may have missed an important update. (I go crazy every day!)
33. You save every video, even if they aren’t funny.
34. Your future career is planned around NEWS and/or Japan.
35. You think your classmates are crazy when they don’t think any member is cute. (they're all blind!)
36. You never maxed out on Megaupload until you became a NEWS fan. (i would if i could download off of it)
37. You’re thinking of getting a Premium Megaupload account because of all your downloads. (that crossed my mind before my mom blocked the downloading)
38. You randomly write NEWS lyrics anywhere. (lol random doodling in boring classes like Government)
39. You thought “MOLA” was sexy even before you realized it was in English. (RIGHT ON THE DOT!)
40. Your heart broke when you watched Shige’s kiss clip from Seminar, even if he isn’t your favorite. (i haven't seen that one... or else i would be devestatingly heartbroken!)
41. You didn’t know any actresses’ names until you got into NEWS.
42. You like High School Musical because of Koyama. (he is the ONLY reason why i would watch it)
43. Every day you think about saving up to go to Japan just for a concert.
44. You freak out your classmates when you explain that you’re saving up for a NEWS concert DVD that costs 100 bucks. 
45. July 4th is no longer just Independence Day; it’s Masuda’s birthday.
46. You didn’t know your blood type until you found out about “Koi no ABO,” and then you ran to your parents, saying, “What’s my blood type?!” (I DID THIS!!! i was mad because they dont know! i still dont know what it is... ok now im sad...)
47. You watched/listened to “Happy Birthday” the number of years you turned on your birthday.
48. The audio rip of “DREAMS” from Never Ending Wonderful Story makes you want to cry because you think of Koyama crying. (i didn't know that....)
49. You start pronouncing love as rabu. (lol i accidently do this and i use an accent on other words too)
50. If someone gives a peace sign, you think of Tegoshi’s “futari.”
51. Guys wearing boots isn’t weird anymore.
52. Skulls are the coolest things ever.
53. You start calling your pet Nyanta, even if it isn’t a cat. (my cat now responds to both nyanta and precious... and my little 3-year-old brother started calling her that too)
54. You think of Shige when you hear Bangladesh.
55. You start doing the hand motion when “Hoshi wo Mezashite” comes on and you’re in the middle of the hallway at school.
56. You considered trying miso soup because of Tegomass. (i ended up finally trying it and it wasnt that bad!)
57. Any time anyone says the word “color” you think of NEWS.
58. You think of NEWS when someone says, “Aim for the stars!”
59. Week should have 4 e‘s. (I TOTALLY AGREE!!!)
60. There’s nothing wrong with crossdressing. It’s actually hot. (i think it all depends...)
61. Perms aren’t a bad idea on guys. (not anymore)
62. You have different notebooks for fanfiction for different pairings.
63. You can’t sing the alphabet without thinking about NEWS. (why must they spell everything?!)
64. You can name all the singles and all the songs on each single. (pretty much)
65. Watching NEWS is your workout.
66. You randomly say “Tegoshi desu!” with hand motions. (yep i've done that many times)
67. When you see that exit sign of a guy running, you’re always thinking of “ima wa” from “Ai no Matador.”
68. You tried typing “Have you heard the news about…” and ended up typing news as NEWS or NewS.
69. Someone starts talking about current events or says, “On the news,” and you think about NEWS. (ALL. THE. TIME.)
70. You want an aiaigasa date/moment because of Tegomass. (yeah that is pretty cute)
71. You’ve wanted to read and watch One Piece because of “Sayaendou.”
72. You do Pi’s “Bang!”, “maidoari,” or “Akira shock!” (occasionally i'll do that)
73. Any mentions of DV reminds you of Ryo’s character Sousuke from Last Friends.
74. Any law student = Shige.
75. Psychology = Tegoshi. (i did not know he was into psychology...)
76. Anything disco = Koi no ABO. (either that, one room disco, the d-motion, or kuchizuke de adios)
77. Ramen and phone booths = Koyama. (just ramen)
78. NYC = KoyaShige.
79. You start clicking all of links with the word “news” in it without thinking. (yeah...)
80. You write and shout “HAPPY NEWS YEAR” instead of “HAPPY NEW YEAR.” (no, but i will now!)
81. You asked all of your friends about their blood type. (i was too concerned about mine)
82. You love all kinds of cats, even if you hated them before. (but i didnt hate them before)
83. You turn the word “masu” to “MASSU” after any word has it, such as: ItadakiMASSU.
84. When writing a poem for English, you use translated lyrics of NEWS songs in certain lines, simply because they express what you want to say. (kinda... my best friend and i made a story and a skit based on a weeeek parody)
85. You have successfully repelled potential boyfriends simply by letting them look through your iPod, leading them to discover all the NEWS pictures, songs, videos, etc. (not allowed to have a boyfriend yet, nor do i have an iPod to save all the stuff on, but i can most definitely see this happening in the future...)
86. You’ve converted friends into liking NEWS through the sole use of Tegoshi’s “Ai Nante” performance from the Pacific DVD. (well i've converted friends but  not through ai nante)
87. Your entire final project in an Art class was comprised of NEWS fan art, and you got a good grade on it. (I wish)
88. You’ve taught the dance steps to Koi no ABO and Chirarizumu to your entire dance class. (i was the one learning it from a friend... but i started teaching my sister some dance moves such as sayaendou... WAIT I TRIED TO TEACH MY BROTHERS KOI NO ABO!!! does that count?)
89. You bought a leopard print fedora because it reminded you of Shige.
90. You started loving gyoza and ramen after Massu and Koyama. (havent tried gyoza... but i like ramen now!)
91. You start to think that short and snarky guys are cool, even better if they can play the guitar. (but no one is better than ryo!)
92. You watch any drama that features a NEWS member.
93. You listen to NEWS so much your brother can tell when a Japanese band isn’t NEWS. (not quite... im getting there)
94. You see a guy in a suit and automatically think Koyama would look so much better in it.
95. You see bright, almost tacky looking clothing and think Massu would probably like it and wear it.
96. You see a pig and you think of Massu.
97. You like Ya-Ya-Yah because NEWS was on their TV show all the time.
98. You realize just how short Japanese people are when you realize that most of the people around you are taller than 5’9″, Koyama’s height.
99. Gyoza = Massu.
101. You can’t look at a bottle of Tabasco sauce without thinking of Tegoshi’s Tabasco cake. (tabasco cake?!)
102. Just the word “rescue” reminds you of Massu.
103. Silver shoes = Shige. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
104. Everyone should have an uncle like Koyama.
105. You can’t hear “Romeo and Juliet” without thinking of Yamapi. (Romeo makes me think of koyama and ryo and then Juliet makes me think of yamapi)
106. You practiced the “Itte Q” pose in front of the mirror.
107. You get distracted by Tegoshi’s face in the small screen while watching Itte Q. (i dont watch that... but i might start soon... SO MANY THINGS TO WATCH!!!)
108. You search for JE/NEWS lookalikes every time you go out. (i seriously think one of my friends looks like Shige!)
109. You don’t even bother with subtitles sometimes because you don’t even read them; you’re too busy looking at their faces. And then you go back to reread what they said. (SO TRUE!)
110. You wear strange clothes because of Massu. (that's a no...)
111. You imagine the only Japanese boy in your school in a JE band. (no jap boys...)
112. When you hear boys chuckle, you automatically think, “Massu’s and Koyama’s chuckles are cuter!”
113. You’re guilty of dancing “Cherish” and “Hoshi wo Mezashite” in the shower.
114. You wake up to Ai no Matador and start dancing.
115. You see a rainbow anywhere, and start the naming the members for each color. And then you get sad when there is no pink for Tegoshi. (i quit calling colors by their names... red is yamapi, blue is ryo, ect. so i literally say "i have a yamapi toothbrush"... when i see random colors around i normally replace tegoshis pink with white cause he has to be somewhere, right?)
116. You cross the street saying, “Ima wa~”
117. If a song doesn’t have a dance, you memorize the way their/his head moves (Ai Nante, Kiss~Kaerimichi no Love Song).
118. You battle between getting the RE or LE of a single/album but in the end you buy both. (i wish i could buy them)
119. You wag/wiggle your fingers when you hear someone sneeze.
120. You try on sunglasses because they remind you of Pi. (ALL THE TIME... im gonna get me some pi glasses as soon as i get contacts)
121.You stare at your screensaver and not use your computer just because it’s a running of all the NEWS pictures you have on your desktop. (i just did that yesterday lol)
122. You want to be a victim of shirosagi, so you will be saved by Kurosagi.
123. Sweden = Tegomass.
124. You remembered the date of the day World War I ended for your history test only because it’s Tegoshi’s birthday. (i didn't know that!)
125. You started running because of Soukon.
126. You’ve been given funny looks when you yelled, “This is the summertime!” in the middle of winter.

ryo nishikido, takahisa masuda, news, yuya tegoshi, tomohisa yamashita, shigeaki kato, keiichiro koyama

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