Aww Pi! Now I wonder how you'll survive January when ProDai starts filming in Hawaii. =________= And Tokyo Dome. And Kurosagi eiga promotion and guestings.
がんばったね~, Pi-ちゃん! We'll be waiting here with Weider in Jelly! *shrieks in delight*
arigatou for the translation! ^^ (hatsu ko-men-to desu!)
Well he's pretty proud of being Weider in Jelly's image model. Haha. And yeaaaaah I envy those in Hawaii. And those going to Tokyo Dome. Huwaah I should really just go to Japan and leave studying to fate. ohohohohoho~
がんばったね~, Pi-ちゃん! We'll be waiting here with Weider in Jelly! *shrieks in delight*
arigatou for the translation! ^^ (hatsu ko-men-to desu!)
and lucky everyone going to Tokyo Dome. T_T im so jealous.
LMAO with weider in jelly XD XD XD
*is bricked*
Haha i plan to study abroad in japan~ XD i think that might be better than leaving it to fate LMAO
Gambatte! ^^
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