Summary: On July 2, 2008, Yamashita Tomohisa, Aragaki Yui, Toda Erika made a personal appearance to promote their upcoming summer drama, Code Blue, which begins on July 3rd. 300 excited Yamapi fans greeted him during this one hour advanced screening at Hanzomon Tokyo FM Hall.
Files: MF/MU,ShareOnAll, DivShare, Tudou, Veoh, Photos
Downloads: UNDER THE CUT
EDIT: Additional extended video available of the Advanced Screening under the cut.
NOTE: Please contribute all related files to the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Summary: Code Blue advanced screening on July 2, 2008 with special appearances by Yamashita Tomohisa, Aragaki Yui, Toda Erika
Credits: bananazly@baidu
File name: 080702ス―パ―ニュ―ス(code blue).wmv/avi
DOWNLOAD wmv files (1.2MB):
MF l
MU DOWNLOAD avi files (1.78MB):
MF l
MUDivShare (avi)
Tudou l
dailymotion l
Veoh Summary: Screencaps
10 photos in rar:
divshare Summary: Mezanyu. This video is similar to the Advanced Screening clip, with Yamashita Tomohisa, Aragaki Yui, and Toda Erika greeting their 300 fans at the advanced screening of Code Blue. This clip also includes the interview portion of their appearance.
Credits: original downloaded at clubbox@whro80 (logo by infinite johnny)
MF l
MU l
veoh l
tudou Screen caps: 18 caps to download
Masterpost by: watchful21
Original RAWs from: bananazly@baidu
RAWs downloaded by: watchful21, neko_lovesyou, lakuru_san, yamapi85
Uploaders (to filesharing and streaming sites): lakuru_san, neko_lovesyou, watchful21, nomanymore, heyly, yamapeace, yamapi85
Screencaps by: lakuru_san, yamapi85
Editing: inala, neko_lovesyou, nanchant
**Do not copy and repost. Linking is OK.**