Dec 28, 2006 22:52

Wow... at 10pm my family members decide to abandon me and go out O.o? Because I am not old enough to go wherever they're going, so they told me to stay home. O____o What amazing family, no? *Leelee bricks*

So....I have the whole house to myself. O.o? sdlksjfljsfljsf KOWAI!! *calls up Missy to come down*
Chikushoo~ she's working D: *calls to bother her anyways* XD

Actually...I don't mind too much being at home alone, it just feels lonely that's all (^^;). Maaa, but I'm quite used to it na...aiyaa, not good to be used to feeling lonely~! *BAKA*

Anyways...since I've got nothing to do *cough* ... I'll spam you all with some PICTURES. Credits are to Kara
hrtless_gurl & Helen's blog and random blogs? lol



Not much though lol

IS THIS NOT THE ULTIMATE OTP PICTURE!? *Actually no, add in Koyato there too XD* Oiiiii two very popular pairings. *oh spazzz*
Hushhh, don't ruin it for me by saying anything other ;DDDDD I know there are other amazing pairings in NEWS, but lemme spazz over this picture the way it is, rotfl.
Btw, anyone have a better version of this photo? As you can see..I think there was a watermark on there ^^;

Hey, I never said this was a NEWS picspam... XDDD

TURTLENASHI! Why am I pic spamming you with Kamel? Because LOOK AT HIM. lsdfjlsdfjsf HIS HAIR, HIS HAIR!!
Fudging adorable on him. ^O^ My gawd he looks SO much younger in that hairstyle.
He is swooning me these days, oh noes *bricked*.
Mostly ever since the last ep of HitoKoi. O___O spazztastic .

And him again XD
Still find him too skinny but well...cannot imagine him being a buta like Pipi. Only Yamashita TomoPi can pass being a buta XD

And you so know I'd have to spam you with Bakanishi as well xD

Don't you wonder why I am posting this one up. XDDD
This was from the same 'darling' (ehhhh is it so bad to reveal you!? LOL). WAHAHA You fangirl over Katopi with me XDDD Though you do know I fangirl over a ton of other Pipi pairings too, ne? Rotfl I am so unloyal.

Because chibi Pipi = ♥
OMGAWD, while going through my folder, I found a freaking amazing 2pic for today's entry. YAYS! You'll see in the end XD

This was posted on TM Forum, but I believe the image was from Yahoo! Auctions...?
Oricon Style 2007. sldkfjsfl I FWANT. Can we all spazz over how long Pipi's legs are? My gawd.
It's the angle probably, but still...his legs are quite long~ lol.

Okay there's so much to say about this picture that there are a loss for words.
RYOTE, RYOPI, KOYAPI. OMFGAWD? And a little TEGOPI 'cause their hands were slightly touching if you look closely XDDDD
And that's right, Pipi's arm was hooked to Ryota's. Who says Pipi's love for Ryota is any less? xD
Now it would be so much better if Ryota's head was leaned towards Pipi. Yushi's already got his arm. WAHAH okay *SHOT*.
Side note:: RyoPiKoya around the same does that ever say something. *Leelee falls on the floor* much as Turtlenashi's been swooning me in those pics above...

...this guy swoons me 10549863095x as much. Mostly that bottom middle pic. Seriously...can you be any prettier?
To think he's just all smexy since he's all built and manly these days, but that hair...waa back to his pretty days. (laugh)
Actually he's always been quite a pretty boy, but godd that picture really shows it to an extent where I get jealous over his prettiness rotfl.
I don't mind either way. Smexy or pretty, skinny or buta, long hair or short, romantic or lame/boring,

I swear his accessories have meanings behind them. And I've come to believe this after some ppl started to do investigations on it on TM Forum, LOL. Twinkle TomoPi still stirs Leelee's ♥ in every way.


Hai, I'm I spam you with letters to random JE boys x]

Dear Sho-kun,

The teenage you was adorable and fun and lovable. This is random, but just had to say that. XD


- - - -

Dear Koya-chan,

I don't give you as much attention as I should. But you do not know how much I appreciate and adore you.
Like Ryota said, I don't think anyone can compare their love for NEWS if put next to you.
Please continue to bring this group to reach TEPPEN.


- - - -

Dear Uchikins & Notti,

When will I be able to say "okaeri" to you both? *heart break*

Luv always,

- - - -

Saved best for last.

Dear Twinkle TomoPi,

Mind breaking me a smile in your next photoshoot or whatever clip that comes out next? Teeth showing prease ;].
Even if you think you'll look fugly, then I would like to see your fugly side if it's what shows you're happy when you smile a big one.
No need to look good for your fans all the time. ♥

*infinite hearts*,

P.S. Yesh, Pipi gets a P.S. MORE JE BOYS TALK IN YOUR ENTRY PLZ? Like *coughcough*REPLY TO RYOTA?


I was going to do a review on Kakure Karakuri in this entry, but decided to save it 'til another day since I already pic spammed in this entry. Didn't wanna make it too dial-up unfriendly (^^;).

Sooo...just caps from random episodes x]


I just had to put at least some caps of this dorama in this entry XD

HOMFGAWD SHIGEKO + TELESCOPE = ABSOLUTE SPAZZTASTIC. sldfkjslfjsf telescopes has never looked hotter 'til now.
Seeing him with a telescope is like seeing Yushi with a guitar. NOW THAT REALLY SAYS SOMETHING. Rotfl~

I. love. the. video camera. man. A genius. A GENIUS. Look at that angle. DOES IT NOT MAKE IT LOOK LIKE HE'S NAKEY?

Just two for now. LoLL


Of course I'm gonna have to cap Tomato! And I capped one of my fave scene in episode 9. LOL~

sdfslkfsjfl KAWAII YO~!!!!
I loved their chemistry~ haha *BRICKED*
The 2nd cap at the top -- kinda bad cap, but in the ep it looked as though he was suppressing a little smile when she *spoilers* ---> gave him his nickname BOX. ^o^Y. AH CUTE~

A little lazy to cap anything else, so that'll be all x]

2Pic #127 - 2006.12.28
dflksjlsf ♥

Kore te Distiny?


I named the theme this because I swear it was SUCH a coincidence that I found this 2pic without even intentionally looking for it at all. Omg it just appeared right there~


Also because Ryopi -- DISTINY!? XD
Btw, if you did not notice it yet...look at their wrist.

Initially, I was going through my folder to look for pics to put up in my pic spam, and then I saw this pic of Ryota in my folder, which I don't remember saving. Lol

AND THEN I noticed his wrist, since he's got nothing else on *rotfl -- wow, never meant for it to be so literal* except those brown wristwears (bracelet? o.O) and I remember Pipi had one on as well.

Already I was grinning 'cause...kyaaa RYOPI!? ♥

So before I even went to look for Pipi's, I clicked a few times more in my folder for more pic spam pics...and then VOILA, Pipi's pic (above) suddenly popped up.


Last thoughts:: LJ FRIENDS, please join
jenews_claims? XD I swear it's crazily fun to claim things, wahaha as you can see in my crazy profile *bricked*
I wonder where else I can advertise x] The only place I've posted about this community was on my LJ and
news_jpop. ^^Y

je: koyama keiichiro, official shops, je: kusano hironori, je: uchi hiroki, koya is love, leelee's last thoughts, drama sp: kakure karakuri, drama: akihabara@deep, kore te distiny?, je: kato shigeaki, paparatz, news claims, pairings: kopi, pairings: ryopi, je: kamenashi kazuya, pipi is love, letters from leelee, pic spam, screencaps, je: ikuta toma, je: sakurai sho, pairings: katopi, dorama talk, je: akanishi jin

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