From Nicola 2007.01
This guy...needs to be put on a leash.
*SWOOOOOOOOONS* <-- now where did I get that from? (^^;)
lol kk, since I've got no class today, I'm getting back to everyone now. But I may be late with some 'cause I'm leaving in a minute to do some stuff for parents.
One more thing, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH to those who've uploaded Southern All Stars' single/albums for me! *CHUUUUUUUUU*
Ehhh...now I'm just wondering what interview this may be (^^;). Magazine interview, probably? But why would it be a coincidence then for Shigeko to be there? Anyhow, not gonna bother trying to figure that out. lol
Enjoy the entry~
I'm a little too tired now to go all fslkfslkdjf over Pipi mentiong both Shigeko & Tomato in his entry, so do do so for me. (^^;)
2nd ETA::
Hmmm seemed like Pipi talked very little about TEGOMASU in his 2006.12.06 entry~ FINALLY ;] WOOOOOOOT~ constant mentioning of NEWS members~ *smiles* Now how about Pipi writes a little message about each member like what Ryota is doing? ;D