Nov 24, 2006 22:36

Talk about a lot of things I wanna write about today. A TON of things. But...forgot them all. O.O;;; (laugh)

But...I must put Tegomass first.

So I'm sure a lot of you might've heard their Japanese version of Miso Soup already, right?
I. LOVE. IT. OMG I am LOVING "MISO SOUP" so much. LOL. Before, all I thought was "OMG SUCH CRACK, SO CUTE". But now it's also "AH~ SO BEAUTIFUL". x]
I LOVE the Japanese chorus to Miso Soup (I think it's the 2nd chorus, and the beginning of the song as well ^^;;).

Okay, so we've heard both versions (if you haven't heard the Japanese version, HERE IS IT, in courtesy of a very lovely girl who'd like to remain uncredited, but if you know her LJ already then you should know that she's uberly awesome~! ^o^) we heard:
Miso Soup Engrish version -- Triple C; Cute, Cuddly ('cause I heart cuddling and Sushi could cuddle XD), & Crack.
Miso Soup Japanese version -- Beautiful. That's all there is to it~ absolutely beautiful.

Now how about...

Tegomass - Miso Soup (Jap & Engrish Version)

That's right. A mix of both JAPANESE and ENGRISH.

*Please do not redistribute.*
Share anywhere else and you shall suffer I will be upset, naa~ ^O^;Y
Direct people here only if you want to share it. Other than that, strictly no posting anywhere else. =] Not like you'd want to anyways 'cause this is just whack. LoL
This is for my own personal enjoyment since I adore both versions xD so I am sharing it with you guys now ;].


Just wait until I get my hands on Sushi's Miso Soup clear recorded Jap version. I will redo another one and it'll be 100000x better than this one. LOL XD

Okay, onto some other stuff now. XD

Vivi 2007.01

From the mag Vivi January 2007.

PULL UP YOUR PANTS, PIPI it's asking to be pulled down even more;'re making me feel like a pervert. *BRICKED*

If you think this pic is smexy, you can only imagine how beautiful the whole FOUR scans are (actually, no need to imagine. It's on LS Forums! ;DD)

Dunno if I'm allowed to post this, so I just cropped out the pic I'm talking about (^^;;). But my godd, all four scans...*droolworthy*

Scanned by Koishi *CHUU* on LS Forums =]
I swear, my new favourite scans right there, hands down. (laugh)

I am so in love with his Byakkotai modern hairstyle O____O;; it just hit me about three days ago. I know everyone knows it's nice, but I think I am like, obsessed with it...? o.o;;; *shot*

Duet 2005.07

I am suddenly missing Notti
=____________=;; I rarely mention about him and Uchikins on my LJ lately, no? It's been all about Sushi (^^;;).

Something that caught my attention when I read a translation:
"...and NEWS are 8, it reaffirms that it's impossible when someone is missing."
- Kusano Hironori

If so then please let Wrinkle-san return you to us soon =___=;;. I've heard rumours of Uchikins' return but nothing of Notti yet, which quite depresses me.


And apparently Papa's been noticing Yamada.
"[Yamada Ryosuke] Lately the junior i noticed is Yamada. He's in first year of junior high school ? Really..., i don't know his age. Like a child like an adult, he's cute, his way of speaking is strong and cool."
- Takizawa Hideaki

Hmm...the last time he noticed a kouhai, that kouhai's status now in JE is quite steady & at a good position, no?

And we all know who I'm talking about ;] Only my fave senpai/kouhai pairing everr (^^;).

But then again, Papa's not around Yamada a lot, so can't necessarily expect another senpai/kouhai relationship happening there, huh?
I'm curious to see how far Yamada gets, which I believe would be quite far; a very talented boy, ne. *chu* So cute that kid lol.

I believe these were translated by
mabo, so credits to her =]


KYAA, it should've shown the first part today already and another tomorrow, no?

I can't wait to see it. ^.^ Yushi looked much older with that hairstyle, no? Very handsome, ne.

2Pic #105 - 2006.11.24

Connected for Life


I wouldn't mind Puchi being connected for life
;] along with a ton of other Pipi pairings that I adore. It'd be nice if we hear about them still keeping in touch with one another, even when they're in their 80s. Lol.

Tegomasu Sushi

When I don't look at them as a single-selling duo, I call them Sushi. It sounds more personal that way, no? ;]
Definitely connected for life.

And judging by this shop photo (and basically in reality) Massuki is so 'the man' in this relationship. XDD LOL.

Leelee's last thoughts:: Seriously, someday I will write a letter into the Jimusho and tell Wrinkle-san: "YOU! Change Tegomasu to SUSHI, yo~!" Rotfl XD *bricked*.
Though I'd probably be shot by Wrinkle-san for saying 'YOU' to him.
Only Wrinkle-san --"CALL-ME-BOSS"-- is allowed call his little money makers that, XDDDD.

YOSHAAA, I am the first to claim TEGOMASU at
LOL, join me, minna-san ;]! 9 spaces left~

Aiyaaa, I will def. get back to a lot of you tonight~!

drama sp: hyoten, music: miso soup, pairings: papapi, you!, je: kusano hironori, je: uchi hiroki, pipi is love, group: tegomasu, scans, leelee's last thoughts, translations, 2pic, mag: vivi, pairings: sushi

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