Pipi is love . ;]

Nov 21, 2006 23:36

Talk about being lost again, lol. (^^;;)

Have anyone heard Koya's new song "Love Addiction"
Apparently it was posted, but well...I, being at school (or had fallen asleep when I got home), wasn't able to get it~
so it was supposedly removed, right?
but the lyrics looked good


Rumour of a 2nd Pipi single makes Leelee happy. ^o^Y
I don't understand why some people would worry that it'd affect NEWS' return naa~ you shouldn't 'cause NEWS will return no matter what =]
I posted this earlier on BNS forum..
Take it as a way that these guys are trying to improve and do their best in solo projects so that they'll shine even more once NEWS return. ;]

Can you just imagine how much they'll shine once standing on that stage together again? BE BLINDING US ALL! ;]

PIPI on MUSIC STATION 2006.05.26

I'm gonna go Pipi crazy right now, because I am missing the guy like crazy. (^^;;) *gets bricked*
Have I been neglecting him again? I don't think so right? ^o^;;;

Hmm..DLed BNS subbed of Pipi on Music Station 2006.05.26 (one where he had a little booboo *CHU*

My godd I couldn't stop smiling. Hahahah.

Dunno why, but I loved that ep of MS~ it was cute all through, including the performance. I loved his reactoins and how he covered it up with a light joke.

You did well naa, Pipi. It was because of Tamori-san that jinxed your perf, LOL.

Look at that face. How can you not adore it? *rotfl*

LOL, LOVED this part. Made me smile the whole time, lol.

Have I mentioned how much I loved his hair in this performance? Very smexy. But the poor animal on his shoulder.

No kidding LOLLL.
It was absolutely adorable how he said that~

You just get smexier everyday

Speaking of Pipi when do I NOT speak of him? XD *bricked* sldfkjslfslkfjlsf

THE TWO POSTERS FROM DUET DECEMBER 2006. *DEAD* (Right click to save/view. It's biggerrr).

This photo is courtesy of brooke_ueda@LJ! Glomps to her for taking her time to scan the mag (^^)V, but she didn't scan the two posters though.

AIYAAAAA, DUET beats out all other mags' (photoshoots) for the month of December (for me at least x]).

Oh, I am so fangirling his modern hairstyle for Byakkotai. Absolutely fangirling.


Wow, when was the last time Pipi mentioned of Turtlenashi? ;] Gimme PiKa again for the new years countdown~!

Leelee's comment 2006.11.19 on pichan_daccha::
And HitoKoi..LOL, I need to hear you talking about Kamel in your j-web soon, Pipi ;]

Pipi's j-web 2006.11.19::
Yesterday's scene when Kame grasped the knife, it looked like it really really hurt(^^;)

Just a mention of Kame's name, but that's good enough for me~ at least we're watching the same dorama.

And thanks for spoiling it just a bit for me, Pipi =___=;; I still haven't watched the latest ep yet. *hides*


LoL so he went to Disneyland with the KaraKuri cast? Homg, THREE entries long.

This part absolutely cracked me up

Bolded the part ;]

After much indecision, Kato Shigeaki bought a headgear with a wizard’s hat attached to the mouse’s ears

What an awful outfit

Totally not an idol

LOL, oii if you know so, then why'd you buy it
;P Oh Shigeko, you don't have to act like an idol 24/7.

He really wants to be known as an idol, doesn't he?

Translated by Rei@Binan no Nikki.


There's just one thing that I wanna talk about in Koya's j-web:

LOVE 191 2006.11.06

Koyama ‘Moshi moshi.’

Shige ‘How have you been?’

Don’t we always see each other??

Shige ‘I’m free for three hours, come to town!’

What the heck is this
Even if I go to town, I’ll have to go home after three hours isn’t it??

I declined politely

And also because Haru-kun is over at my place now



LOLLLLLLL *Leelee falls off chair* that just cracked me up so much XDD

Omg, seriously, absolute OTP. SUCH a ditzy dorky mushy pairing *dies laughing*

Translated by Rei@Binan no Nikki.


First time mentioning Papa's j-web on here (or the 2nd??). I just HAD to. It reminded me SOOOO much of Pipi XDDDDD. AHHHH PAPAPI.

I bolded & italized some parts ;].
Papa's J-Web 2006.10.28

By the way, during the interview with Tsubasa yesterday, I got hungry and the topic changed to “let’s go and eat pasta” and we were going to go to the shop with the staff. But, no staff came so I had pasta with Tsubasa only.
Don’t set up pranks yo

What the hell is a pasta date with my partner

I was so nervous that when I was ordering, I was saying “pe...eppep..e..pepperonchino” in my head

This is pretty much half of his j-web entry (^^;;).

The bolded text: SO LIKE PIPI, NO!? HAHAH.
- Topic change
- Hungry
- Pasta

All sounded like Pipi to me. XDDD KYAAAAAAAAAAAA~

And Wendy (I haven't gotte back to your entry yet but I've read it ^o^), AHH YESH, I saw the Pin SC produce~! slkfjsdjf I also saw it subbed in Chinese~ AHHH~ I remember reading somewhere about what Papa said about Pipi, but totally forgot >_< zaaa, do you know/remember what he said?

The italized text: sldkfjsljfsldf KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~


Omfg, my brain is going to explode.
PapaTsuba date-o!

Translated by Miyuki@Binan no Nikki.


Currently uploading the 1st ep--SARS subbed--of Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni (holy crow, I was actually able to type that out without having to copy/paste the title O.O;; LOL) (^^;;) Almost done. Should be up in a few hours~

Ahh~ I really wanna see the 2nd ep for this actually; I tried to watch the 2nd ep raw...but for some reason I stopped. (laugh)

Guess it didn't intrigue me as much as LONG LOVE LETTER did. ZOMG, that dorama nearly killed me out of curiosity for every ep, always tempting me to watch the next ep raw.

I still have TWO more eps to go for LLL, but I really don't wanna finish it yet (^^;;) I love feeling a bit of anxiety and curiosity towards this dorama. (laugh)

I will probably become the worst Manager O.O


I think that's another one that I failed. Wow, that'd be...three failed?
So...no passing

*bricked by parents* (^^;;)

Okay, I'm not gonna even rant about that now...I still have English to study for Thursday =____=;; Talk about being absolutely LAZY to study right now. *SIGHHHHHH*

Kchan NEWS 2006.11.20

LOLL, Shigeko's laugh seriously makes me laugh as well XD. He is so cheery on Koya's radio, isn't he? Of course,  he gets 17 minutes of Koya to himself XDDD as if they do not spend the other 23 hours & 43 minutes together anyways rotfl.

Does anyone have that song "I wanna Know" that Koya played on his radio show? That song started to really grow on me after listening to it on his radio (^^;;).

This week's Kchan NEWS 2006.11.20

Radio show from JANE (Ariel4Kei)!



Please go & post up who is your fave pairing with Pipi ne

I dunno if I should participate in this theme since I do not have a OTP for Pipi

Hmm...MAYBE I SHOULD DO PAPAPI, since they're my #1 senpai/kouhai pairing naaa x]

We'll see. (laugh)

Come to think of it, why have I not done a Papapi picspam yet

lskdfjlskjdf *BRICKED*

Okay, sometime in December, I will make the biggest Papapi picspam anyone has ever seen. Enough Papapi pics/moments for me to feed every single one of you
Err...that's probably unlikely XDD Hopefully I'll be able to find all my papapi pics~
It's all over the place naa~

2Pic #102 - 2006.11.21

All Beatened Up


(Right click & save/view for original size).
I had a hard time choosing which cap to use for this 2pic theme~.
I rewatched this part just now...and I've never mentioned this before, but I loved his deep, cold, solitude voice. It sent shivers through me.


Was this a stage act? PetsuJun is just too awesome at acting. ^.^

Last thoughts:: I love nervous Pipi. One of the cutest sides of him are his nervous moments. Lol, seriously~ if you watch that MS appearance I talked about above, and the SUMMARY 2004 backstage (even though he was just pretending to be nervous, but it was still adorkable, hahah), and a few other clips, you'll know what I mean. ;]

BTW, I added more important dates/events on the side
Hopefully it's useful for people naa~ apparently the links/tags I posted on the side are useful. LOLLL
My SS points continues to grow even though I don't upload there anymore ^o^;
Thank you to Shinn for the new info on Pipi & Sushi!


Random just now:

Members on TM Forum are trying to figure out who called Pipi that he mentioned of in his 2006.11.21 entry.


Or so I'd love to believe.

All signs points to this baka, no? I cannot think of another that Pipi would not mention the name of in his j-web, and have not heard from for a long time~ (it's been well over a month).

I still haven't read Pipi's 21st entry yet, so I am unsure~ but that's what was said by those who've read it, so I am assuming it'd be him, no?

j-web: yamapi, news: rumours, music: daite senorita, mag: duet, translations, 2pic, show: music station, magazines, uploads, pairings: papapi, radio: kchan news, school rant, pairings: pika, drama: kurosagi, pipi is love, screencaps, radio shows, j-web: shige, downloads, j-web: tackey, j-web: koyama

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