Stoopid Internet =___=

Nov 10, 2006 22:40

I'm sorry~ I was supposed to get back to you all, but my brother came home, so his gf and I watched a horror movie.

*Leelee faints* I am so weak-hearted =_______=;; I cannot handle anymore horror/thriller movies. (laugh)

And mostly with Thuy, who LOVES horror/thriller movies? My godd, her herself yelling during the movie already almost made my heart die from fright...when nothing has even happened in the movie yet =____=;

No wonder Arian doesn't like watching scary movies with her. XDDDD
But, she's so fun to be around. ^o^

Ahh anyhow...birthdays~!


I adore you, I adore you, I adore you~

You are amazing inside out. You've changed a lot since the beginning of NEWS. You surprised me the most actually, with how much you've changed. But all for the better.
Leelee really liked the Yushi back then, but also adore the Yushi now as well.

At least I know that if you were to change once agian in the future, I will for sure love that new Yushi as well, because Yushi will always be the same on the inside naa.

Honestly speaking, I don't think I ever noticed you before, and had envied you because you got a kiss from Pipi. *smacked*

When I got into NEWS, I paid very little attention to any of the members other than Pipi, but I did try to at least know all your names.

Yushi, you were probably one of the first I took notice in~ I LOVED Zutto the first time hearing it, but didn't even know it was you & Massuki who sang it.

I thought: "one of them...amazing voice. Who sings this? Definitely for sure not Pipi". XD

Anyone wanna take a guess on when I truly started to notice Yushi?

Yeshh, before that, I always found you very quiet and humble (maybe because all the vids I've watched were old 2004/2005-ish).

And then I somehow got to watch Gachibaka~ (through YouTube O.O;), and...WAM
"IS THAT TEGOSHI!? *faints* HOT" -- Talk about shallow ^o^;;;; started from there.

Now where am I going with this? ^.^;;

Anyhow, wish you have a great birthday Yushi. You're an incredibly talented guy (though I still sometimes find it hard to believe that you're older than me). You will definitely make it even farther in the future.

You will absolutely shine like never before in 2007 on stage with NEWS.

With NEWS' return, let your 19th year be the best year, and all the years to come.



And while I'm at it...I still haven't given these two a proper bday message yet, no?


Edit:: wth? Ryota's pic didn't show up yesterday =__=;

I haven't wished him a proper happy birthday yet, so Ryotaaa, happy birthday~!

Lemme just start off by saying (please do not hate me now, Ryota fans x])... that when I first learned about NEWS, I was shocked to see/hear how many girls would choose Ryota as their second favourite, apart from Pipi, on LS Forums I believe.

I didn't quite understand it, because I'd heard so many negative things about him before that, and even thought that Yushi or Shigeko looked better than him *hides from fans~ gets bricked*.

BUT, (of course there'd be a but x]) time could really change how a person thinks, or at least, it did for me.

The more I got to know him, the more I got to like him, the more I didn't care what other people said about him.

Ryota, for sure you're not just a guy with a poison tongue.
& I actually quite like your poison tongue, because without it, where would all the fun and crack be? JE would be quite boring if there weren't guys like you (and BAKAnishi) ;].

You. The cutest kid in the world, and I give you all the rights in the world to brag about what a cute kid you were x]. No one could ever deny that.

So guess what I'm trying to say is...don't change too much though I don't think I'd have to worry very much since you sprout quite slow XDDDD.
Leelee likes the Ryota now very much.

22-years-old. Not old at all. Like many have said, you always seem to look younger with just a haircut. LOL

Hope you have had a good bday, and shall we all smack Pipi for you for only one line in his j-web. Did K8 celebrate your bday with you? Ah~ the Kanjani8 loveeee~! I wish you all the best, in both K8 & NEWS, and in all other projects/works that you take on.




Now how did I ever end up knowing every single member from KAT-TUN? XDDDD
I remember how much it bothered me not knowing who stood for what letter, so I actually had to go and look it up. LOLLL

But I'm glad I decided to look in on KAT-TUN (if it weren't for Amy, who's obsessed with Jinny xp).

You've been hella busy these days, huh~! With THnK & Byakkotai to film...not to mention Utawara, and now with a new Dance program? I wonder how much sleep you're getting.

But you always look very energetic when the cam is on. I'm impressed with how much energy you have sometimes.
You always lighten up your day with your crazy humor~

You were amazing in MBMH, too. For sure. As well as THnK (though, kind of reminds me sometimes of your Kazu character, no? ;p). I'm very looking forward to seeing how you'd act in Byakkotai.

Any, I hope you had a great birthday, Kooki~ x]. May KAT-TUN grow to become stronger in this next 6 months, and be the strongest in 2007. You've got a ton of great fans supporting you guys still. Ganbatte.


I feel like uploading some things/sharing some goodies of these guys (probably not Koki since I don't have much clips of him...or any lol).

Maybe sometime this weekend =].


Things to really laugh about.

KAT-TUN ON SC...CLINIC SKIT...BNS SUBBED. *Leelee dies laughing*

Seriously, A MUST WATCH. Too hilarious! And this clip will spill your heart out with AKAME RABU. Talk about, what ppl like to call it, MAJOR FAN SERVICE. (laugh)

LOLLL Jinny always act as the girl, doesn't he? He fits the role too well. XD

I find this incredibly ero~ AKAME. Jinny going "NYAN". *dies of laughter*

Oh. my. FanGirl. AKAME, AH~


Kame: *to Junno* What are you so excited about?!
Jinny: *to Junno* DON'T GET SO EXCITED BECAUSE OF ME! [*dies laughing*]
Nakamaru: *to Jinny* You're the one who's getting excited!
Kame: *to Jinny* You only belong to me, you know.

So predictable to make Ueda the with the awkward heart beating; no heartbeat, long beeps, ringing sounds. LOL XD


Please do leave a comment if you download. It's only common courtesy naa. :)

[CM] Yamapi TBC CM

FILENAME/FORMAT: [CM] Yamapi - Image 2016 (TBC 2006.10.30).avi
LENGTH: 0:29
CREDITS: turtlεnashi86 on TM Forum.
DESCRIPTION: NO WATERMARK. That's all that's diff, lol. Unless you didn't mind the watermark on the previous CM I uploaded, then there's no point in DLing this since it's the exact same. But I prefer my vids watermark-less, don't you? ^o^;
And this was cut by the very lovely turtlεnashi86 from the Zoom In clip with KAT-TUN. XD
DOWNLOAD: Sendspace || YouSendIt

[CM] Byakkotai CM 2

FILENAME/FORMAT: [CM] 2006.11 Yamashita Tomohisa - Byakkotai (3secs).avi
LENGTH: 0:03
CREDITS: pdbox; ¤kawaii_kisses¤ on TM Forum (*cough*Talk about major posting for a 3sec CM O.O; lol. Rotfl, and don't mind the topic title she did XDD)
DESCRIPTION: Very short. It's only 3 seconds. The footage is the same as the previous CM, but it is diff. ^ Cap above.
DOWNLOAD: Sendspace || YouSendIt


FILENAME/FORMAT: Masuda MASTER HITS 2006.11.10.mp3
LENGTH: 24:49
CREDITS: Jane (ariel4kei)
DESCRIPTION: This is the latest Masuda MASTER HITS. There's a little static (& blank) in the clip. I'm only allowed to post this for 24 hours before I take it off since that was Jane's request, and then if you would like it, please email Jane (ariel4kei) and ask for it, because I got permission from her to post this. It's not hers as well, it's from her friend. But make sure to say that you got it from my LJ or she may ignore you~
DOWNLOAD: Sendspace || YouSendIt 
Links taken off. Please email Jane if you'd like the radio.

2Pic #92 - 2006.11.10

Caught the Flu


Hope he's not getting a cold now. But no worries, TOMATO WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU x]]]. ZAAAAA, I wanna see pics of them at the karaoke so much~

Yushi (& Shigeko)

...and is that Notti behind them? I'm not too sure. lol

Kk last thoughts:: Never knew how much I've missed Tomapi ♥. That is all. (laugh)

Slowly getting back to all of you now, just hope my internet doesn't disconnect on me, 'cause it did FOUR times while I wrote this entry.

commercials, je: tegoshi yuya, leelee's last thoughts, event: je birthdays, je: tanaka koki, 2pic, radio: masuda master hits, group: kat-tun, drama sp: byakkotai, cm: tbc, cracktastic, random rants, screencaps, radio shows, je: nishikido ryo, downloads

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