I flail with joy
Info from
Helen's blog:
Winter Drama Title: 'Byakkotai' (White Tiger Team)
Airing Date: January 6 & 7, 2007
Airing on: TV Asahi
Drama Period: Tokugawa/Edo period
Other Notes: He's playing two characters, (quoting Helen) "one of the members of the 'White Tiger Team' (酒井峰冶) and 酒井新太郎, who's his present day descedent."
Info/news on this:
http://www.sanspo.com/geino/top/gt200609/gt2006092808.htmlhttp://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/f-et-tp0-20060928-96300.htmlhttp://www.daily.co.jp/gossip/2006/09/28/0000123414.shtmlhttp://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/news/2006/09/28/04.html He needs to stop this. Or I just need to stop hoping for these things ;]. Ahh~ I was hoping to see him in a Period dorama too, and then I get thrown at with this.
And better yet..its in January, that means I won't have to worry about it until then. So I can concentrate on my studies.
I better take this to my advantage and hope for something else before my luck charm runs out. How about a small NEWS gathering? Or shopping with Tomato? OR A DINNER AT PAPA'S?
This is just too great.
(As you can see, I should be more excited than this, and I really am, but I'm stressing at the moment over my Management test that's taking place in a few hours =_=)
On another note...I just downloaded the SP of the dorama "N's Aoi". With Koya in it ^.^ Shall I upload it? 670MB *faints*
But Koya is just too cute as a nurse ;] Ahh~ I may do so tomorrow if no one else plans to.