♣ One more day of JE fandom before my worst enemy returns: school.
Kill me..just kill me.
I stopped liking school ever since high school.
Middle school was the funnest years of my life.
High school was the worst.
I once disliked high school so much that I actually asked my mom if I could drop out...'cause so much horrible things happened that it drove me insane.
Mom started lecturing me about expectations and reputation in the family and crap. Typical.
Blah...alright not gonna go on with this topic.
Ahhh important days!
We need pink ranger back ;____; PINKU!!
Prease let this day treat you well, Uchikins.
Please come back to us today.
Please take care.
Please don't leave again.
Please be happy on this day, no matter what happens.
Too many pleas but you get the point. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
I was supposed to have a graphic as well, but my damn graphic program shut off on me when i was halfway done >.
Did I miss out any other important dates??
♣ Ahh..randomness again.
♣ GYM on DOMOTO BROTHERS BRIEF SUMMARY. ZOMFG everyone MUST read it...I think I died laughing after finding out what they were talking about. Special thanks to
gat_x303 for briefly translating & summarizing it!
COMMENT #2 for the summary/brief translations =]
ROTFL. I swear...Koichi...you kill me with your comment "chinchin ga oishii" *DIES*
♣ My eyesight is getting worst everyday. I can barely see the screen anymore when I'm about half a meter away. *dies* I never really needed glasses, but now I think I might need them PERMANENTLY. *faints*
♣ I need to take every opportunity available to finish up my darn icons and post them up! And make more new Pipi ones for myself...I have some of these for too long already >.< lol
Oh btw..THANK YOU to those who commented on my new anicon of Pipi =]. It actualy started off with a different one.
^ This one was the original one that I was going to use...but because the size was too big, I didn't want to ruin the quality by shrinking it, so I used this one for LS Forums instead. I liked this one too. Aww. x]
♣ I checked over 100 comments today..both on Gmail & Lj *dies*
♣ YESH. Finally updated
My To-Do List...with more things to do *cries*
♣ I realized that I cannot be on the computer for more than 10 minutes without music playing. I suddenly get frustrated and tired if there's no music on. It bothers me. Lol, aren't I weird?
♣ YESH, I am finally back on track with DLing 24hr TV! Omgawd..1, 2, 10, 14, 22..that's how I downloaded it before O.o wth? No wonder why I was confuzzzled >.< Just 5 more parts and I'm DONE.
♣ Hmm..Megaupload is being quite nice to me today...2000 kb/s O.O...that's a first. But then it dropped down to 400 kb/s. Ah~ bit difference, but still alright.
♣ LMAO I forgot to mention this last time until Kara reminded me...we talked about this in email about Pipi's 10th anni party..and some of the things I forgot to mention was:
» His senpais would surprise Pipi with a stripper at the JE party. O.O rotfl
» Either Tomato or Ryota would be naked in a huge, fake cake (you know...one of those fantasies in Simpsons that Smithers have of Mr. Burns? LOL) and he would pop out singing a song to Pipi. *DIES* LOL oh gawd how did I forget to write about these two. These would certainly be beautiful Kodak moments!
♣ To lisa~ YOU'RE RIGHT about Ryota's name~!! LOL omg I've been pronouncing it wrong all these times. *HIDES* ^.^;;;
I've never heard the Jap version of the Sailormoon theme song before (since it's usually in English when it's played on TV), but my first time hearing it in Jap was through Koyassu...omg absolute pwnage of the song. THE BEST JAP VERSION EVARRRRR.
♣ I AM HORRIBLE. I just realized there are some ppl on here I don't even know the name of yet~! I am too horrible >.< So please...when you comment, please post your name or nickname that you'd like to be called! I don't wanna write the Lj sn's all the time lol
Even if you think I might already know your name, just still type it down anyways, so maybe others can get to know it as well =]. WAAA I am horribleeee. SORRY ^.^;;;
♣ I am mesmorized by Tegoshi Yuya's voice...someone please stop him. When he speaks so softly...it kills me, it KILLS ME.
I WISH HE SANG BRITNEY SPEARS SONG LMAO. 'Cause apparently..after he plays a song on his radio station, he sometimes resings them, right? So I heard? Like the Elton John & BSB song.
My godd I want his radio station. Must go search after this entry~! *crosses fingers*
♣ 2Pic #35 - 2006.09.09
NOT THOSE kind of CRABS. O.O; What are you thinking?? xPPP
Got the Crabs
He seriously got such interesting presents for his bday from NEWS. LOL
Ehhh, what did Ryota get him? Does anyone know..?
I somehow really like those hand garments that Pipi's wearing.
Aino (Aiba & Nino)
Now I really want one of those really big crabs.
♣ Conversations are fun..
o1. This one is interesting because..it's with my brother, and shockingly..he didn't make fun of Pipi O.O but only Golf & Mike. Wow...shockingggggg, no?
Dan: AHAHA those two guys are ghei! Why is he hanging out with them??
Leelee: WHAT? (he points to the GYM regular single) No they're not! Who are you talking about?
Dan: The two Thai guys on the side!
Leelee: OOooh hahaha (i laughed because he never said anything about Pipi). They're not ghei.
Dan: Yes, all Thai guys are ghei, didn't you know that?
Leelee: Well, these two aren't.
Dan: They will infect your hero. (he tends to call any idol I like my hero. O.o) I think they already did.
Leelee: shut up.
o2. Between Amy on MSN (about the Music Jump vid)
Amy: did u see the video?
Leelee: yes
Leelee: it was...interesting
Amy: wasn't he cute???
Amy: i told u so!
Leelee: What are you talking about? I've always thought he was cute!
Amy: really? i thought u called him ugly
Leelee: are you on crack? when did I ever called chibi Pipi ugly?
Leelee: ooh LOL
Leelee: then who were you talking about?
Leelee: and it's Yamapi
Amy: JIN!!
Leelee: Ehhhh........no comment...?
Amy: what do u mean no comment?!
Leelee: LMAO
Leelee: he was....hmm..he was very unlike himself.
Amy: Jin can beat yamap anyday
Leelee: #1..it's Yamapi! Stop spelling it uncapitalized! It is disrepectful..
Leelee: and #2, ARE YOU ON SOME KIND OF NEW CRACK? I can handle you liking Jin, I can handle you not being a Pipi fan, but I CANNOT handle you comparing the two together.
Amy: lolz
Leelee: bcause I am not going to diss Jin 'cause I think he's freaking pretty, and I will not say Pipi can beat Jin anyday 'cause you'll torture me with no more JE crack...BUT YOU KNOW WHAT...
(i took a long time replying)
Amy: ???
Amy: what??
Leelee: I'm still thinking...
Amy: yamapi sucks
Leelee: I have a limit to my anger, Amy... AND IT'S Yamapi!
Leelee: kattun sucks
Amy: KAT-TUN! and they're better than news
Leelee: NEWS! kattun kattun kattun
Amy: u're annoying!!
Leelee: so are you!
(long time without any chatting)
Amy: omg u have to see this Jin video
WTH? Amy you are jokesss. LOL
o3. The best one.
Yamapi: Daisuki. Let's go out.
Leelee: okay.
O.o no, this convo never took place..not even in a dream *sulks*. T^T
OKAY, gotta go now..check around LJ, f-list, and then get ready for school on Monday *CRIES*