[PHOTOS] 2006 Film Festa & Kitty GYM Paparazzis

Aug 26, 2006 20:06

I'm gonna post this up really quickly 'cause I'm extremely busy at the moment helping out my mom with some stuff before we leave for a while. I'll be back to post an actual entry.

But for now..these are the pics from Johnnys Film Festa 2006 + more Kitty GYM Volleyball paparazzi photos.

Johnnys Film Festa 2006 - Surfing

Johnnys' Film Festa 2006

Should I thumbnail it, or post the actual pixels? I'll thumbnail it so it won't slow down anyone's comp to load the pics.

And some more paparazzi photos..or so that's what ppl call it.

2006 Volleyball WGP paparazzi photos

Okay, I'm off =]
btw, please..if you post these anywhere, make sure you give proper credits (i.e. on other sites/forums/ljs..) to KARA, fortheloveofPi & TM forum, also to YamaPerfection@LJ if possible ^.^ 'cause already I've see the other paparazzi pics around with no credits..lol

(I AM SO SORRY TO MY LJ FRIENDS. I once again forgot to check the f-list =[[ will do so first thing when I come back!)

p.s. Waaa, ppl are hassling over the 24 Hour TV thing...lol
Oh noo, won't be home to catch up~

johnnys film festa, pic spam, scans, volleyball, group: gym

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