Long Love Letter
Drifting Classroom
Drama Title: Long Love Letter (ロング・ラブレター )
Genre: Science fiction, human, romance
Episodes: 11
Viewership ratings: 16.3
Broadcast year: 2002
Cast: Tokiwa Takako, Kubozuka Yosuke, Yamada Takayuki, Yamashita Tomohisa, Nakajima Hiromi, Suzuki Emi, Karina, Omura Ayako, Koizumi Emiko, Fukushi Seiji, Ichihara Hayato, Moro Morooka, Nakamaru Shinsho, Masuda Yukio, Ito Masayuki...etc
Synopsis: What would you do if tomorrow was your last day to confess your feelings, your last day to live? What if there were to be no tomorrow? What happens when what was always there suddenly vanishes before your eyes?
That day was like any other day, but something unexpected happened: a strange tremor in the ground, causing everyone to believe that it was an earthquake. But how could a simple earthquake...cause the disappearance of a whole classroom of students and teachers? What was left of humanity was all broken down into pieces that day...so it seemed. Watch a drifted classroom of students and adults go through fear, hopelessness, doubts, loneliness, and unity...
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Softsubs credits to
Phoenix @ D-Addicts NOTE:: Please remember to join the parts using HJSplit or a similar program.
Episodes 6-11 were splitted into 7 equal-sized parts, so it's not wrong if you see the eps' parts all equal in sizes.
MU & MF ARE MIRROR LINKS. If one part doesn't work, please use the alternative link instead.
Episode 1
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Episode 2
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Episode 3
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Episode 4
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Episode 5
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Episode 6
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Episode 7
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Episode 8
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Episode 9
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Episode 10
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Episode 11 (FINALE)
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MediaFire --» [
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Original Soundtrack
01. Long Love Letter
02. Elation
03. Parthian Shot
04. Snog
05. Ep
06. Gravitational Collapse
07. Nature
08. Kick up
09. Dick & Jane
10. Dud
11. ANY
12. Mystery Tour
13. Ice Berg
14. Cembalist
15. Melt in The Mouth
16. LOVELAND,ISLAND(instrumental version)
17. Here Goes
18. Invoke
19. Ant Lion
20. Blow
21. End Title
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Yeshh, I'm finally updating again ^^; Decided to finish uploading all of Pipi's drama (:
Entry is backdated. Hope everyone's doing good!
I also put up a new front layout graphic for my LJ. I'm in a Yoo Seung Ho mood these days, LOL.