When was the last time I ranted this much...? =\ + Other stuff .

Feb 12, 2008 19:37

A quick rant-ish entry, plus, while I try to think of something to get up. (^^;)

[EDIT] From the NEWS comm...
2月22日29 日(金) Mステ (Music Station)
2月25日(月) HEY3!
2月27日(水) 魁!音楽番付 (Ongaku Bantzuke)
2月28日(木) うたばん (Utaban)
2月29日(金) 音楽戦士 (Music Fighter)

Oh...NEWS promos. So uploading them. ♥ [/edit]

Dear Ontario's weather,


No love,


Yesterday was my Eco test, and the weather was insanely freezing. Honestly, it felt like it could freeze up he||, to foully say (^^;) m(_ _)m
I felt like crying, having to walk in the cold to the Uni for what felt like hours, with the wind constantly blowing.

But... I LOVE MY WINTER JACKET. Omfg I love, love my jacket. ^^; Srsly, the only thing that was cold were my hands and my face, the rest of my body was hecka warm, LOL, or at least didn't feel cold. And I only wore ONE layer on the inside one, lol. It was really pricey, but soo worth it.

So...apparently there's a new holiday called Family Day now? xD;; Is it just in Canada..?
I didn't even know such a holiday existed until my 2 cousins told me, but I thought it was like...a new holiday for elementary school students, since it sounded like it, LOL. Until my sis-in-law said she got a day off on that day, too.
Ah...Canada, why become so family-lovin' alluva sudden? ^^;

But... they are hecka smart. They made the holiday ON THE SAME WEEK as Uni's reading week. =_____=;; so basically it's like we have no extra holiday. Rawr. Oh well :P

USA, CANADA, & MEXICO... in plans to join in creating the same dollar currency? Eeeehh? For some reason, it hasn't been a very popular topic for discussion, but once it gets brought up, ppl talk about it nonstop, lol.

I AM HAePPY. NO. MORE. TESTS. For about 3-4 weeks ♥♥♥ I am sooo relieved to get over with them. And...really, I wonder why I never learn that last minute cramming always kills my brain big time?
I was extra ready for the Economics test, so...slksjfkf I AM HAPPY I WAS READY FOR IT. ♥

It was...easier than I expected (^^;) But still I know I got the multiple choices wrong.
UNDERESTIMATES THE UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM. OMFG I will never forget this question. I cannot believe I changed my answer to a wrong answer. $#%*(#$&@(*$&@#%

Cramming = LOSE. I've learned my lesson. SUCH a big difference in my tests when I don't cram/last minute study, LoL.

Otayyyy~ goodies goodies. Umm. HOMFG. I said I'd send a bunch of you the Yume no Kazu Dake song, no? Gomen gomen! I shall get it out today! I've finallyyyy got all of my tests out of my system for now.

Randomly choosing a mag to upload.

Wink Up 2003.11

NEWS (9 members!) & Kanjani8 only (plus K.K.Kity)

Kay(@TEPM) posted these a while back, so credits are to her. *adores Kay*

15 Scans total

About 1400px each.

NO REPOSTING. I got her permission though, ne. BTW it's kinda her MU link, lol.


I've got some Arashi & KAT-TUN scans to share, too, but I'm already spending too much time on LJ. =\ I'll post them up next time, ne.

  Starting to post the uploads from the comm to my own LJ now. Dunno if I'm gonna continue with it, but since I wanna keep track of all my uploads as well, this'll be a better way to do it rather than letting it pile up & organize them later.

New uploaded SuJu stuff.

I've been downloading Dong Bang stuff, too, but not really help in uploading. (^^;) That fandom moves along way too fast, I don't even know what's new or old to them anymore. xD;;
FRH...I need some (new) sources for my FRH stuff

Oh yeah. TAN! AAH are you watching Survivor's Law II? I just started it yesterday after I read your comment, LOL. It's goood~ or so I'm liking it so far. Ya it's not OMG!good, but not bad either. I don't like Ella's character already though~~ ticked me off xD

YAYS to no classes next week, too, so I'll get some more chances to quickly go through f-list sometime this week. Lol...so defeats the purpose of my other hiatus post. I fail. I should reallyyy go on hiatus next week or something. Force myself to go on one. xD;;

Sorry, so much ranting in one post. =\ I haven't been caught up with fandom other than the downloads on CB...

random rants: life, random rants: other, random rants: school, group: super junior, letters from leelee, random rants: fandom, scans, group: kkkity, downloads, mag: wink up, group: kanjani8, group: news, tvb series, group: dbsk

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