Quick Fandom Update .

Jan 10, 2008 18:48

...Fandoms really love to pile up with important stuff when I'm away.
Let's see what I can remember...

- Fahrenheit's 2nd album (leaked) out!!!!
- AAAHHH FRH on all covers (Play, fans, COLOR, Top Idol, & MAN'S STYLE 2008.01) for the mags' first issue of the year!! ♥
- Ya Lun's grandfather...

- UCHI & KUSA no longer trainees (GOOD SIGN. JE is starting the new year off very nicely for the fans <3)
- Uchi new dorama!
- Uchi at NEWS concert!
- Arashi new single! (Step & Go -- releases February 20, 2008)
- NEWS new single! (Taiyou no Namida -- releases February 27, 2008 -- themesong for Pipi's Kurosagi movie)
- NEWS Dome concerts! Heard there were some interesting things that occurred...?
- Ryota's BOAO photoshoot (I swear I've seen at least 15+ posts on this photoshoot alone @___@ No wonder...he's half nakey Lawl)

- Super Junior Asia Tour!
- DBSK 23409248 releases (XDD)
- DBSK fudging crazy schedule up 'til August 2008 *faints*
- DBSK on Yahoo! Japan LIVETALK :D
- SUJU x DBSK ON ANOTHER EP OF EHB~~ (random: Sungmin looks adorable hugging Yunho, LAWL)

I'll elaborate (& upload) a bit more once I get some time to go through all the forums, CBs, & community posts~

LAWL, JE, you phail make me lol~~
KAT-TUN's new single = 2008.02.06 = DBSK/THSK's new single (Changmin's version)
NEWS' new single = 2008.02.27 = DBSK/THSK's new single (Junsu's version)

Coincidence? I think not xP
I wouldn't be surprised if like...JE surprises us with another group single release that coincides with another DBSK release. :P

Ahhhh, I wanna get Jaejae's version. ^^ And their 3rd Jap album...=\

- lksdjsfjsf ERIKA TODA on the latest ep of cartoon KAT-TUN! I'm just excited to see any Erika x Kame moments, LOL. I miss Mariko x Shuuji yo (yes, I ship them >.> all thanks to their little hand-holding in NwP). AAHH~~ I actually haven't been watching any eps of ctKT lately...the Erika ep was the first ep I watched since...their first few eps...? XDD;; I liked the moments when Kame looked at her, LOL. *whacked*

- I haven't even had the chance to talk about EHB with DBSK & SuJu yet. sdlfkjsdflsdfsfd SO MUCH WIN I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START.

- What else... JAY CHOU & SUJU MET? Eh? EH?

- How adorkable is this 22-year-old piggy?


- - - -

Extremely tired/dizzy~ suddenly caught a cold since 2 days ago. Family came home vacation all fudging sick & coughing nonstop. Now I've caught it.

Another entry will come soontime, once I get all the files and fandom news/info organized. I've got no class tomorrow so I'll have time to catch up a bit. :)

I'll leave you with this:

I'll just taunt you guys with one. Oh ho, there are more. (It's a bit bigger because I added 4TOPS & KAT-TUN mp3 of "When You Wish Upon a Star" from 2002. Not really Pin like I mentioned before, but Jinny, Pipi, & Toma had solos while the others did backup vocals).
Gomen ne, Pipi, your body is for my eyes only should not be exposed on my LJ like this, but well... you strut it like so, then I might as well help spread. xD *chopped* As much as you want to give smextastic fanservice, please to make sure you're eating healthy and taking care of yourself yo. I don't want this pig to starve himself just to look good for the fans.

And just because this pwns all. L = Leelee, yesh yesh? ♥ *bricked*

I dunno what mag this is from yet, so I'll post just this.

Take care everyone~~

P.S. ARE SOME OF MY F-LIST HAVING A FRIENDS-CUT? Prz to wait til I comment first before you do the cut!! LoL~ I didn't get the chance to come on much so I didn't notice some of you have those "comment to stay" posts. ^^;

group: arashi, ero, news: news, group: super junior, pictures, news: dbsk, group: news, group: dbsk, news: arashi, random rants: other, news: super junior, show: cartoon kat-tun, pipi is love, scans, news: fahrenheit, j artist: toda erika, group: fahrenheit

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