Talks on 2/4 of my fandoms & etc .

Dec 27, 2007 22:39

I totally forgot about but since the 26th...

jenews_claims is a year old ^^ ♥

Thank you to everyone that joined and making the NEWS Claims community the biggest JE claiming community (at least for what I know ^^;) on LJ!

I'm also going to be approving claims anytime today, so if you have something to claim (be it if I've approved your previous ones yet or not), MAKE THEM SOMETIME TODAY so that I can get them all in, too!
LOL I usually leave them all piling up before I approve them all at once ^^;

With the success of this community, I have the urge to create another community or two...XDD;; I know I'm a terribly bad mod/co-mod, some comms I don't even contribute to at all DD; m(_ _)m but I'm glad the other mods can somewhat understand...? Heheh~

Well, if I do plan to create a new community, I'd hope someone would co-mod it with me? ^^ But I'm unsure of what to create yet @__@

Also, just to let everyone know that there is currently something (BIG NEWS!) planned that will be revealed in the near future ;) though some seems to know about it already, LOL.

sdlksf ILU HIM AND/OR WHOEVER THAT CREATES FAHRENHEIT'S MVs THESE DAYS. So much Chun x Aaron moments it makes me squeeeeee ♥♥♥ XDD

Just because I miss FRH & I miss fangirling YaChun... :(

*BRAIN EXPLODES* And this is like, nothing compared to their Xin Wo MV. GAWD IT WAS SO CHUN & AARON FILLED XDD
LoL sorry, I'm in my own fangirly world now. I have mentioned that I do know & think Aaron & Jiro are the more OTP in FRH though, yes? Lol but cannot help but feel the YaChun love laaa ♥
Now I just need more Chun & Jiro and Aaron & Calvin moments, lol. I hearts all FRH pairings <3

And either I am really biased...or that all of FRH's songs are really that good & catchy o.O; I haven't found one song that hasn't caught my attention at first listen (okay, except 1 or 2 songs from their first album xD;).

While we're speaking of pairings...

Omfg, ILUUUUUUU MASSUPI. MAY I CALL THIS A DISTINY MOMENT? Well, even though I asked for it a longg time back :P MassuPi absolutely makes me flail like a little fangirl (different kind of flailing from the other more popular Pipi pairings I fangirl, yesh), because hi...what's cuter than two pigs together? *O*!!
Not to mention Massuki brings the even piggier side out of Pipi, rotflmao. ♥ Massuki knows he rabus Pipi tons. ♥

And... I really want to watch this movie.

I reallyyy do. I've heard so many good things about it.

LOLLL, HOLY CROW THE NEWS CONCERT INTRO RAP IS AWESOMELY WHACKED XDDD I am so slow, I only heard it today =___=;; It's prettiful and weird though, I like it LAWL.


pairings: chunlun, pairings: massupi, event: anniversaries, omedetou!, pictures, movie: koizora, group: news, group: fahrenheit

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