So many more news @_@ . Fandom is tiring .

Dec 13, 2007 12:26

sldkfjsf internet died yesterday, so I couldn't post this 'til now.
*Cheats at time* Ah, good thing most of this was done yesterday, because I won't be home much for the rest of the day, so I'll get back to f-list by the end of the day, ne~~

More updates on fandoms. Thank you again to Kara for the rest of the links that I missed out, as well as some other LJers in my last entry ♥


2007.12.07 -- Proposal Daisakusen DVD Box on sale.
- Date already passed, but I just wanted to keep record. xD

2007.12.12 -- Kanjani8's 47 Prefecture DVD releases!
- I believe it's already out to be downloaded at Vendy's blog!

2007.12.14 -- Super Junior at the Golden Disk Award 2007 (at 6:00pm Korea time).
- *O*? *Stalks clubbox*

2007.12.15 -- Super Junior holds first & second Mini Concert (4pm & 7pm).

2007.12.16 -- Super Junior on SBS Inkigayo (3:30pm).
- I'm assuming they're performing Marry U again? Or maybe a different song? Either way... :DDD

2007.12.14 -- KAT-TUN's single "Keep the faith" (Taiwan edition) releases.

2007.12.15 -- Akanishi Jin, Taguchi Junnosuke, & Yokoyama Yu "Saishuukai madeato 3 nichi!" Yukan Club playback SP.
- Playback SP? Dunno, but ah...I just realized this season's dramas are coming to an end! Uwaaa so fast >.<

2007.12.16 -- Nakamaru Yuichi will be the guest on Shounen Club Premium 2007.12.16.
- In which I assume KT will have a performance done (duh *bricks self*)

2007.12.17 -- Super Junior goes to Beijing to attend the Star Awards, in which they were nominated for Asia's Artist of the Year.
- Link to the site. Asia's Artist of the Year!? Sounds great! I hope they do well, whether they win or not :). Being nominated already sounds awesome ne~~

2007.12.17 -- Koyama & Nakamaru hosting Shounen Club(?)
- LOL I wonder how accurate my dates are yo. Kara, are you sure about this date? Well, I'll leave it here for now and see :) They don't plan to have an SC ep every week for December do they? lol Or maybe it's a re-run?

2007.12.16 & 2007.12.18 -- KAT-TUN on Music Station 2007.12.16 & 2007.12.18. ***
- I think there might be a mistake here. They're probably only on MS for the 18th, since the 16th they should be on SCP. And they're gonna be on MSSP on the 21st as well. Or uhh...these two dates are just a VTR or them or something? Iunno, I'll just leave these dates here anyways.

2007.12.18 -- Akanishi Jin on Bansen Q.
- Did I write that right? Bansen Q?

2007.12.23 -- Shounen Club Christmas Special with a VTR of NEWS & KAT-TUN (other groups unconfirmed).
- Ah, thanks to Tan, I found out that NEWS will also have a VTR on SC on December 23rd, so woo that means there'll be a Shounen Club Christmas Special this year, too, then. ^^
I would be guessing right now that Kanjani8 should also have a VTR on this SC Xmas SP, too, no? ^^ Not sure. But we know that NEWS & KT are confirmed for it.

2008.01.03 -- Dong Bang Shin Ki - 2nd Asia Tour Concert "O" (Folded Poster) (Limited Edition) releases.
- Link to pre-order at YesAsia. Lol, SM just loveeees to squeeze every ounce of money out of the fans. D;

2008.01.04 -- Fahrenheit's 2nd album releases!
- Someone please say FINALLY? I am so buying. :( Thank you to
jsingk for the date. :)

2008.01.12 -- Fahrenheit travels to HK for "WILDDAYOUT".
- Hopefully I'm getting this info correct, or I'm just reading it wrong, Lol. Lucky HK fans~~

2008.03.08 -- Kurosagi movie will be out on March 28, 2008 (which is a Saturday).
- I only had the March date previously, but now I guess it's set to be out on the 28th~!

2008.06.08 -- Hana Yori Dango finale Movie will be out!
- Absolute. Win. I love everything about Hanadan. ♥ Hope the movie will be just as awesome as the drama series (or much BETTER). Link to the announcement.

2008.SUMMER -- Yamashita Tomohisa to be in 「詐欺花美男」 Taiwan exhibition in Summer 2008.
- EEEHH what is this!?

2008.08.06-2008.08.08 -- Han Geng (Hankyung) of Super Junior will be one of the torch carriers for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
- I keep forgetting about this, lol. Thank you
marzazar  for the reminder ^^. More info HERE. Uwaa, farrr ahead but I'll post about it now anyways. :D YAYS KYUNGIE!! Oh noes, wouldn't Heechulie make you cook him Beijing Fried Rice even more now that you're a Torch Carrier for their Olympics.......? O___o (er, that was random...)


NEWS Concert Goods Pics & Prices up at Johnnys Net.
- HERE. They look cute! Though I'm not sure what to say about those happy faces with hearts in their eyes and mouth...LOLLLL NEWS needs some better goods designer. XDD *chopped* I FUDGING LOVE THE POSTER THOUGH!!

Plans for GOKUSEN 3!?
- IDK BUT I JUST GOT EXCITED HEARING ABOUT THAT. I don't know any other details about it, LOL, but gawddddddd it sounds great! I loveeed Gokusen I & Gokusen II (if anyone hasn't watched them yet, I definitely recommend this drama! First and Second were both great :D).

I've always wanted to see Pipi act with Nakama Yukie sometime, whether it be sooner or later, so this is ONE HELLUVA AWESOME RUMOUR. *crosses fingers for confirmation soon!* But eeh, Kame again? lol Even though this rumor might end up not being true, the rumor of Pipi being in Gokusen 3 seems more likely than for Kame to be in the 3rd season, no?

*DIES DIES DIES* I mean Toma is very exposed these days due to Hana Kimi, so even a rumor of him being in Gokusen 3 is still more likely than the Kame rumor, lol. Ah...rumor remains a rumor...can't wait for more info on Gokusen III!

Filming for Wu Chun's new Summer 2008 drama "Lan Qiu Huo (Hot Shot)" has already begun since about 4 days ago.
- The drama's Wiki! EEH I only knew about this now, LOL. I thought Chun was going to have an ancient series filmed? Hmm but either way, it seems interesting. :) HOLY the cast :O! Jerry Yan, Alan Luo, Wu Chun. *O*
Can't wait for it! ZOMG I neeeed to catch up with Romantic Princess! D;

Filming for Yan Ya Lun's new drama "Pi Li MIT (Thunder Team)" starts this December. 24 1-hour episodes.
- I am SO watching this, HANDS DOWN. I'll watch it RAW if I have to, because Ya Lun's first lead + mystery kind of drama? = Oh FTWtastic. Check out the drama's Wiki! Dunno what to think about the cast though, lol, but it's got a huge sponsorship ($14.4 million TW dollars).

New Dong Bang Shin Ki releases - 5 Different Versions & New Single
WTFWTF IDEK IDEK. Just check all the info HERE. Omfgawd you'd have to be stinking RICH to keep up with DBSK DD; Prz to not do this to me other fandoms! Or I will suicideeeeee.....from fandom.

Previous dates mentioned in the last post are already on the sidebar, so you can check there!

Boring entry if you don't want to know what's up with fandom, lol.

So little time, so much to do.
T__T Fandom takes up too much of my time. Maybe I should get away again, lolll. That's what I get for fangirling so many fandoms.
How do some people keep up with these groups' news and video/picture files that come out pretty much everyday
Not to mention their fudging monthly releases (oh wait, this only applies most to DBSK fandom, no? XD *whacked*).

group: arashi, news: kat-tun, news: news, group: super junior, news: dbsk, group: kanjani8, drama: gokusen, group: news, new release, group: dbsk, news: arashi, group: kat-tun, important dates, news: super junior, news: kanjani8, random rants: fandom, news: fahrenheit, group: fahrenheit

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