Sep 06, 2007 21:52

I'm gonna make this short for now, because I'm already reallyyy late with this entry >.< More posting tomorrow~

DUET 2007.10

POTATO 2007.10

WINK UP 2007.10

All HERE at Vendy's blog. Be sure to thank her for the scans :)

Wow, is this the first time I'm having a hard time choosing which shoot was the best! They all look lovely, ahhh~ But Godd how I love Duet's shoot~ so simplistic and genuine. ♥


Kind of...LOL~ *LEELEE FAINTS SO MUCH* Like I said, you never fail to surprise me ♥ Watching it is even more HOMG-ing. 8D
Think it's still not long enough or something...Pipi doesn't look as dark as he used to yo ;P
Maybe it'll gradually grow back into the Kurohair after a few months ^^Y Or they're already using this hair for the movie.
EITHER WAY IS FINE WITH LEELEE because she is Pipi biased, remember? ♥ |D

Oh how I missed his Kurosagi days ♥...because those were the days that I first became a crazily insane fangirl. (laugh)

I'm rewatching B.M.W. right now and GAWD HOW I MISS THAT SHOW. <3333333 One of my favorite old American TV show. xDDD;

mag: duet, scans, mag: potato, mag: wink up, group: news, news: news, pipi is love

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