YOUNGWOONG JAEJOONG FORUM*OPENED!* I am the 5th member, PWAHAHA ^o^ <333 (Though I would've loved to be 3rd or 4th after Diane & Steph yo! ;P)
Though...Joong&Minnie...prz to not prune Leelee if I become inactive...? ^o^;;; because you know I'm no good with forums, LOL~
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There were quite a few comments in the other entry that I really
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I MISSED YOU, TOMAPI!!!!!!!! <333333333333
And wooo I helped advertise the forum for you x] though you guys would probably do a better job since I don't think I have many DBSK/Joongie fans on my LJ XDD;;
Leelee is member number 5, yo. That's how many DBSK members there are. You are special. *gives lolli* Thank you for joining and pimping the forum. :D
I hope we all have good times in YWF!
Definitely hope so, too! But prz to forgive me if I don't go on as often as I should na! But I'll try to keep up, only because it's Joongie. ♥
And uwaa a domain, too? :) You guys worked hard ne!
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