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hrtless_gurl July 28 2007, 06:59:48 UTC
your fangirling is contagious... lols...

this one... ke ai... ! all of them are cute ne... yamalee choose cute ones only... lols...



yamaperfection July 28 2007, 07:42:09 UTC
Is it..? Or is it because you can't resist their charm, too? XD hahah~

INORITE!? I love all the gifs I posted, ahahah. I have quite a ton clips, I wonder why I don't go make gifs myself =___= sooo many clips I wanna clip of, that I haven't seen around yet..but I get so lazy and it takes so long to make =\\ I'm such a perfectionist with graphics/gifs lol.

EHHHHHHHHHHHHH nani kore!? 2005 Summary scans?? *O* ♥


hrtless_gurl July 28 2007, 08:20:31 UTC
Yamalee you purposely made Yalun and Chun look at each other in your layout... ? lols... kawaii ne... i am looking at it... lols... !

You should ne... !! I like the other YamaPichan gif you did ne... i see it on d-addicts now and on blog... lols... ! it is nice ne... ! make more... make a lot chun and yalun... lols... !

Hai... there are more... i only cap that ne... check Yamalee email... ! lols...


yamaperfection July 28 2007, 16:43:41 UTC
ROtfl Ehhh? Not even, I just chose those two pics out of random, and realized now after you mention it that it looks like they're facing each other...ahaha~

Ehh~ I went off to sleep, and then woke up..but see no spam from Kara..? Kara left me..? :(

LOL *bricked by Kara* I left you first on LJ, ne? Gomen ^^;

My gif on D-Addicts? The Kuro one? I really do wanna make more gifs...zaa~ admire all the really prettiful ones..but have no time to really sit down and make them. =\\


hrtless_gurl July 29 2007, 00:23:32 UTC
why don't Yamalee go online anymore ne... ?? so hard to talk to you... can only send you things in email ne... lols... go online more ne... !

Eh... ? Yamalee wanted spam... ? lols... i feelt awkward ne... spam without Yamalee there to talk... lols... !

ok... spam... yamalee want who... ? Jaejoong... ? Yalun... ? Zun... ? Yamapichan... ?


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