All sorts of talks & fangirling .

Jul 21, 2007 18:27

I'm sorry, I'm posting too much, when I have other things to be doing at the moment. >__< but just gotta post this. (^^;;)

So I don't really mind all the Harry Potter talk, 'cause I'm all sldfjslkf *FLAILS* about it, too.
But I try not to talk about it too much before someone might accidentally spoil the book/movie for me (even though there isn't much to spoil about the movie since I've finished that book).

I've been doing good so far with avoiding any spoilers.

If anyone spoils it for me, I swear there will be consequences. ROARR *does the neko paw* :P

Reactions does spoil it a bit for people, too, trust me. (^^;)
Okay, anyways lol~

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Not good, not good...the more I watch them, the more I'm adoring Arron, too. Though fangirling him is dangerous, lol. He's Pipi's age, too, but younger by...7-ish months. lol.

TAN, WATCH THIS! Arron likes Rainie. Period. *why am I jealous?* Rotfl~ *facepalm*
Ne ne, why so adorkable laaa?

Arron - Kiss Goodbye (Performing Wang Leehom's song)
-- I LOVE this song, and remember listening to it a while back. ^^ This does not do his voice much justice. His singing pwns me badly. *heart & pets Arron*

And Arron's Japanese (omfg recent clip, too *flails*)
-- WAA, I forgot, he also knows a bit Japanese. (laugh) So adorkable. *pets him* LMAO "ganbatte" -- "ganbarimasu" XDDD
Okay wow, this term I haven't seen used in a LONG time, mostly on Asian boybands, but Arron is so the heartthrob of the group (dangerous, see? XDDD). HAHAHA. UPDATE YOUR BLOG PRZ?

And *pats Chun* Entertainment is such a scary place. Geebus they still made you film even when your eye hurt like a *bleep* ;___;

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Ah, kk, so I finally got a chance to listen to Arashi & Kanjani8's albums a bit more thoroughly.

Arashi - fksdf; *FLAILS at Nino's solo & all the other songs* 'Nuff said?

Kanjani8 - I really like their solos because it gives me a chance to listen to each of them individually, since I can usually only recognize Baru, Ryota, Tacchan, & Yoko. (^^;) At times Hina, too.

NEWS - I AM WAITING TO REVIEW YOUR ALBUM, SO COME OUT WITH ANOTHER ONE SOON? I don't want to be expecting nothing after the DVD release. =___= Prz to not give Leelee something new every half year or something *Leelee faints*. You are the ones I am willing to let rob my money yo!

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In other news . . . taken from
dbsg community!

*Leelee FLAILS* Jaejoongie ♥
LAWL and so much YunJaeMin (only fair to put Joongie in the middle XDD) ♥ ♥ ♥
Kk I'm gonna have to go watch all the downloaded clips of DBSK I got now ^o^ (they took up another 6gigs for me within last week *O*)

Oh right, so Kara was telling me that I'm fangirling too much of Fahrenheit/DBSK, and fangirl too less lately of Pipi/NEWS. Losing fandom? LOL you wish, Kara. xP (NE NE, YOU FANGIRLED FRH WITH ME TOO, BUDDY! *bonks Kara*)
That baka always knows how to pull me back in, so for some reason I don't feel afraid of losing my fandom, as I did with DBSK (^^;). FRH doesn't have as much power as DBSK does over me yet, LOL. DBSK/Joongie remains to be the only one that had ever made me afraid of losing my JE fandom. I rabu them that much. *O*

Tell me, how could I ever leave that? I heyt you for having this power over me. ♥

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And I'm so desperate...that I'm seriously going to start watching The Drive of Life RAW (found it on YouTube :DDD)

Also, I've been lazy to make a commentable entry. (^^;) I was supposed to post one up since the 16th, but kept holding it off so it's still under private, AHAH.

group: arashi, tw artist: aaron yan, youtube, pictures, random rants: fandom, harry potter, fangirling, group: kanjani8, group: dbsk, group: fahrenheit, music talk

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