As requested (& from complaints XDDD) by some, I'm finally writing up a proper, commentable entry
YAYSSSSS *Leelee cheers before running from brickings*
I feel so bad to disable them all the time. ^^
But I've still got old comments to get back to. SEE HOW LAZY I AM?
If I were you, I'd fear this entry, because it will freeze your computer D:
So... WARNING!! LONG ENTRY AS ALWAYS (+ not dial-up friendly? Maybe
Skim/skip whatever parts!
Because I haven't capspammed in a while and there are sooo many clips I wanna cap.
So since I've got many clips I wanna spam, I had to lower my cap limits for each clip
Since I'm sure you've all seen my crazy capspams before, AHAHA. XDD
Plus, I think a few liked my previous capspams, so this is also for them. ^__^
About 70 Caps in total! Prz to ignore my tense changes. XD
(Yes, and that's limiting a lot already. XDDD)
Pipi on Kuwazukirai 2007.05.10
I know this clip is a month old (^^;), but I had wrote this up wayyy back LOL, so decided to finally get it up.
Nyaa since I haven't spazzed over him very much in a while, lemme do it all in one go? :D
I dunno what this is all about, but a heart with Masami's pic....hmmm...LoL~
The whole time I was just LOLing and all "KYAAA MECCHA KAWAIIIII
" while watching him. (laugh)
And definitely so readable...hahahah~
I've always thought he's got such a gorgeous side/angled profile~ know this is my favourite cap of all the caps, so it deserves to be the biggest. Anyone guess why? XDDD
*MISS* ;__;
I was so amused when seeing this. LOLL readable indeed
If he doesn't like the food...he chews for a reallyyy long time AHAH.
And when he does...
...he stuffs himself even when there are still food in his mouth; and forget about using chopsticks, fingers are faster & easier. XDDDD
*heart dies from cuteness overload*
You always been this adorable? *flush*
I just realized we have something else alike (habit?) -- our eyes are always staring at certain places/things without us really (consciously?) realizing it (unless he purposely wanted to stare at the food the whole time while the others were talking. LOLOLLL which I doubt, 'cause of the way he looked at the food).
Sometimes my eyes are just looking over at whatever's 'in action' without really thinking anything, though I hear the talking and all. Lol ahh can't explain it, but if you watch him, you'll somewhat understand what I mean.
DOKI DOKI~~~~~~~~~
Darn you, buta, everytime you smiled/laughed, I found myself all KYAAAing. (laugh)
Why was TomoPi so kawaii yo? Made Leelee feel like a total kid watching you, squealing and laughing and sldkfjsflksjfls!!!-ing ZAAHAHAHA~
LOLLLLL his face expression is so priceless.
But, but.... *brick at Leelee's heart*
*is heartbroken*
Pipi, I'm missing S2A and you throw that at me. To think you BOTH would've been able to perform it flawlessly since you've done it GOOD GAWD 1-2 many times. *flails*
AH of course I kid. Not actually complaining about it.
lkfsf I love this show for giving us a 'virtual performance of Seishun Amigo' again.
In sync. :D
Out of sync... 8|
In sync. 8D
. . . . gave up.
KAT-TUN on Music Station 2007.06.08
I do think seat positioning tells you a lot sometimes.
Bakanishi trying to kill your fangirls? Leelee is not one of those fangirls (yet?) lahh~ Yeah, have Pipi do that and maybe I'd die. AHAHAH.
But I'd be afraid if Pipi ever does it as ero as you let's hope he doesn't do that. XDDD This is Bakanishi's trademark yo
I still see the US meat on Bakanishi. XDDD WAHAHA... *shot*
Hehe, I remember the first time seeing Kamel, I thought "are all Jap guys that skinny? o.o;; he'd look so much better with just a bit more meat on the face" -- and looookie here, seems like Kamel has read my thoughts ^^ .........a year later.
TaNaka. WOOO they are a good combo~
JunDa. I like pairing up typical pairings. What
XDD no, but that's also the order that they came up on the screen, Lol.
Watching Jinny walk made me gigglesnort. XDD Dunno why, probably because of the costume, made him look funnily cute when he walked, AHAHA.
Oooh you'd think it was cool of them to show Jinny's costume (which says... "If you can(?) Dream --?" *fails*), but actually...the camera-man couldn't hold the camera steady at this part, so it dropped down to his costume when it was supposed to view his face. LOL.
*reads 2nd cap's comments*...okay I lied. *FANGURLS*
I think Jinny still isn't very comfortable with performing/singing again, mostly live, but I'm not at all surprised by that. It's only natural to be slow at readapting to the old environment when you've been in a new environment for half a year.
I also wonder if he's been (karaoking) in the US or not to train/maintain his vocals, because your vocals can definitely get rusty if you don't sing for a while. But even so, his voice still pwns o.o.
Kanjani8's KJ2 DVD
Did I name that right?
I the best crack DVD I've ever seen. LOLOLL~ And I could NEVER get tired of watching it. AHHHHHAHAHA... To Theo who also just got into K8! LoL ^___^
YASU-CHANNN YOU WERE SO CUTE *BRAIN EXPLODES*. Sometimes I find his actual age hard to believe. XDD
I LOVE the "Oh kakkoi" part coming from Hina when Yoko yelled out. Rotfl-ness.
sdflksjf listening to them laugh also made me laugh, wtf. XDDD
Ooh a treasure chest discovered, demo...they have to get through the dangerous laser beams. *O*
*Gasp* The push that...pushed (o.O; My English vocab is limited) Yasu to the edge of danger by Ohkura. Oh Ohkura, look how hurt Yasu looked. OhYass. XDDD
Oh kakkoi~! XDD & the others just stare...AHAHAH~
At this point, it focussed on that look of Yoko for so long, I thought they changed from the game to a photoshoot or something...
Yoko looks prettiful though. XD
You so know Hina would've touched that laser beam, but of course they pretended that line 'disappeared' xPP AHAH.
And omfg Maru's costume. LOLLLLLLLL PANTSU NAI
Like I said... BARU. MOST. HILARIOUS. EVAR. While the others jump and do all sorts of stunts to avoid touching the lasers, he just walks happily through it without touching any. OMG GENIUS CRACK. I died laughing so much. SDLKFJSLS K8 pwns me so much.
Yoko touches a line...and Ryota gets it.
Hina touches a line...
And Maru gets it. OMFG HA-LARIOUS.
ANOTHER. FUDGING. HILARIOUS. PART. sldkfsjf BARUUUU ABUSING YASU. OMFG *brain no longer functioning properly* They kill me so much I swear D:
LOL Ohkuraa~ he touches a lot of lines and Baru gets it and then...
He turns into this...
*Brain absolutely damaged*
Ryota, Hina, & Ohkura starts touching a line to get at Baru and guess who gets it...?
And wooo, what's in the treasure chest? KANJANI8 (PLAYERS). Oi, great treasure. x]]]
I've got moree clips to cap, but gonna do just those for now, LOL.
I finally caught up a bit with reading translations. Some that I found hilarious xD
Popolo 2007.06
For Pipi, Koya, & Ryota
*NOTE* I took out some parts (with ...)so that I can get to the main point, & so it wouldn't get too long.
Q6: Thinking about it briefly, whose birthday do you remember?
Yamashita Tomohisa: NEWS members, Akanishi Jin, Kamenashi, Takki, Shirota Yuu-kun…and about 4 or 5 more people. ...
Leelee: That 4 or 5 more ppl better include Toma, Pipi...or else....*Leelee cracks knuckles*
But I am still hurt you didn't mention Tomato.
You mentioned KAMEL! Which shocked me, LoL~
but you also mentioned Papa, so...forgiven. xPPP lsdkfjf I MISS PAPAPI.
Q8: What was the best birthday present that you have received so far?
Nishikido Ryo: Rather than receiving presents, eating the birthday cake with my family when I was young, I feel that those times are even more valuable.
Leelee: I took Pipi's out 'cause his answer was boring normal. Lawl. *whacked*
Ryota's answers almost made me go "yappari" everytime, Hahahah. So like him~ ^^'
Q9: What was the best birthday mail that you have received so far?
Yamashita Tomohisa: The mail my mother sent me. “Thank-you for being born for me.”
Leelee: Forget it being the best bday mail, that has got to be the best/sweetest mail altogether! YAMASHITA MAMA~
Pipi should be thankful to you on this day instead lahhhhh~ Awwww~~
Q10: What was the best birthday party that you have had so far?
Koyama Keiichiro: I spend it alone. (laugh) ...
Leelee: K-chan :( Leelee refuses to believe yo~~~
I was so sure Shigeko would've bothered you every year on your bday as if he doesn't bother you enough every other day already.
Q15: If you were to sing a song to a girl as a present, what song will that be?
Yamashita Tomohisa: I will sing a song that she picks.
Nishikido Ryo: I will definitely not sing.
Leelee: *falls off chair at Ryota's answer*
Q21: What present would you give Kato?
Yamashita Tomohisa: Something that can be of use in university.
Koyama Keiichiro: Recently for that guy, his hair has been going wild. I have to buy something that is useful. That’s why I would give him hair wax to style his hair.
Nishikido Ryo: Study guidebooks (laugh).
Leelee: *DIES LAUGHING* It's either about Shigeko's brain or his hair.........which all relates to his head. *facepalm*
That all he good for? XDDDDDD;;
Q22: What present would you give to Masuda?
Yamashita Tomohisa: Cake that Masuda likes.
Nishikido Ryo: Something to slim the face.
Leelee: *DEAD ON THE FLOOR* UWAHAHAHAA Yeah yeah RyoPi, feed him then slim him. LAWWWL. Poor Massuki *pats pats* Leelee likes Massuki chunky meaty lahh
that's what makes him so OMG!bite-able (that a word?).
Q25: What would you be if you had to cosplay at a birthday party?
Yamashita Tomohisa: Cosplay? Ah, this question (laugh). I had that at my party too. The atmosphere will be high no matter what the cosplay is (laugh)!
Leelee: . . . . I bet those dorks sent him girls in bunny suits or something kinkier >.> *daggered*
Credits to Michelle (sleepycat) on
LS Forums!
Vdubs = FAST
I just realized that Vdubs are REALLY fast
i.e. Heart of Greed
- Original was aired on...April 9 in HK, no?
-- Airs...daily?
--- In June, Vdubs were already out online. O___O
---- (maybe less than) 2 MONTHS
Ahh dubs for "A Change of Destiny" is also out! I wanna watch (^^;;) But no time.
2Pic #244 - 2007.06.17
Well we all know Pipi back then was kawaii. (laugh)
Like I said...I need more 2pics because it's ending up being Pin all the time, LOL.
Last thoughts:: I love when Pipi's senpais call him by "YamaP". :) Dunno why, but I really like hearing it. (laugh)
V6, TOKIO, T&T (dunno if every member in those groups call him by that, but at least I've heard most of them do call him by Yamapi).
I like that even those not in the Jimusho also calls him "YamaP". lol~ but of course it only applies to some (that are not in the Jimusho).
Wow...when was the last time I called him by Yamapi? LOL~ I remember just about a month into the fandom, I already started calling him Pipi. (^^;;)
& this is why it sucks to not be a SP member T___T. Though I dunno if I'd DL it anyways, because 4GB...*O* I don't even have 1GB to spare atm, LOL.
P.S.S. ayaka's "Blue Days" just came on on my playlist, and now I'm missing Sapuri...the scene where Kamel cried listening to the cellphone msg, that made me cry also.
AHH I wanna go rewatch that scene!