928; sakura-daikon

Nov 21, 2012 17:29

I've been wanting to post this (lots of you might know it already) for a while, and today is more appropriate than ever XD Today is...
いい夫婦の日 (11/22)!
ii fuufu no hi, "Good married-couples day" in Japan

I would like to invite you to sakura_daikon. Along with mount_deer, we've dedicated this place to translating and archiving any Yama pair (Ohno & Sho) 'episodes' from magazines, radio, and more; so that fans and non-fans alike can grasp their relationship throughout their careers.

For those who don't have a Dreamwidth account, we've created a Feed LJ account:sakura_daikon ← all you have to do is subscribe to get the updates on your LJ Friends page! You can also use your LJ via the OpenID log-in to leave comment or be a member.

credits to mimurra

*pimp, !gifs

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