Tegomasu no zoku Shop Photos [hq preview(!?)]

Aug 06, 2010 01:34

Yesterday I bought the new set of Shop Photos, Tegomasu and Tegoshi's.

Sadly I can't give you proper scans due to my lack of scanner.

I took pictures of them though, with a very very good camera! XD

I thought I should share these, if you want to see a better preview!

the files if downloaded are bigger than the preview on mediafire.

most are around 1280x877, 1600xsomething, 900xsomething.....

you can view them here ->

[Tegomasu no zoku Shop Photos ]

apparently also "download gallery" via some button..
..if you like the preview you can also download the pix here
via mediafire as zip file ^~^

thanks tojustsel for upping ~

I'm not familiar with mediafire's gallery sharing...but I hope it works!!!!

and hope that you like it  XD

comments are loved.



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