[REVIEW] テゴマスのあい2nd ライブ、2010年08月01日@代々木 [PART 2]

Aug 03, 2010 20:21

Thank you LJ for making me split my review.....

What excited me THE MOST was ….

Tegoshi jumping into Pi’s arms ~ ♥

You WANT to hear about it don’t you??? XD

If not, gomen ne XD but I just LOOOOVE THAT MOMENT. *cause I simply live for TegoPi rabu ♥

Hehe… it was really funny.. and utterly sweet.. ah I am not sure anymore WHEN exactly this happened but…Shige was standing on the left side, holding Keii's uchiwa, next to Massu who was strangely literally “clinging” to Ryo [the whole time] and Tegoshi stood there next to the two sometimes looking toward Pi, who was facing the crowd and had his back to Tegoshi. Pi turned around but was quite at the end of the stage, so a little far from Tegoshi and the others, but then, when Pi looked back he looked at Tegoshi walking toward him slowly and it seemed like he wanted to say something but that moment Tegoshi ran towards him and threw his arms around him trying to kiss him ♥


It wasn’t just a quick chu pose, he really tried for a while to get his lips on Pi but Pi, that little baka, moved his head away all the time >.<

Also my personal highlight was the END of the MC ….!!!!

Pi said they would leave now ‘cause this is a Tegomasu concert and they should leave the two alone again and was like “we will see you as news next month!” it was a bit sad but I could deal with it ~ just tooooo sad they didn’t return to watch the end of the concert ;_;

Everyone started to leave the stage slowly in a long line, with even Tegoshi following the others, but backwards, waving at everyone. Haha he was being so silly, saying his “good bye’s” and “how much fun it was” ETC…

Massu was like "eyyyy..." but Tegoshi then turned around seeing Pi leave faster than he and so he turned and quickly ran after Pi who was last in the line…

Pi stopped at the end of the stage turning around waiting for Tegoshi to join him before he started talking quickly about his single, like he forgot to mention, saying it’s out and we should listen or something like that…

Of course Pi still had his own mic but,…. while he was talking, Tegoshi who stood very close / next to him, held his mic at Pi's mouth as well, NODDING to every word Pi said, just like he always does XD

Sooo, Pi stood there with two mics at his mouth ………LOL

I love Tegoshi mocking him ♥♥

Then Pi slowly PUT HIS ARM around Tegoshi's neck  ♥

When he was done with talking he let his hand wander down Tegoshi’s  shoulder, patting his back ♥

…and they left the stage, smiling arm in arm.. ♥


Just too much Tegopi rabu for me to handle, I mean IN FUCKING REAL LIFE XD

Well, ok back to the actual MC…

I remember:

They talked about NEWS and their upcoming concerts and that they would have a new album coming very soon, they are apparently still in the middle of working on it. He mentioned GREEEEN, maybe they worked on a new song or the album together, no? Ah~ my bad Japanese -_-;

They mentioned that Keii couldn’t be here because of filming with NEWS EVERY. Apparently he is on a ship right now O.o;;

Ryo handed Massu a small white box saying it was a present from HIM. Massu was like “ehh? Nani?”

Massu opened and laughed, showing the open box into the camera, which displayed two (?) cups of pudding on the screen. Massu was like “whats that for!?” and Ryo explained about his movie LOL such a way of promoting.. Massu felt quite sad, asking “it wasn’t for my birthday?” Ryo replied with a serious face, “Eh your birthday?” …”uh, yeah why not” something like that >__<;;;

They talked about Shige’s trouble man, which Massu found a way of making fun of, leaving Shige scream in a most ridiculous way at him, I sadly didn’t really get what he wanted to bring across xD but it made everyone laugh.

Pi then turned to Massu saying “well somehow your clothes are quite troubling too” pointing at Massu’s pants XDDD

Mass again was like “eh nani?” XD

Pi then pointed at his HUGE silver/gold-ish “CHAMPION” belt, which he keeps wearing over his ridiculous PJ bottoms XD

Pi asked “nan no champion desu ka?”

The same asked Tesshi the first show too xD

Sadly again I don’t know what he tried to explain --;;; gomen ne ~

They ended up talking about boxing and suddenly everyone insisted that Pi should WEAR it!

Tesshi was the first to “wooot” for it XDDD and he took a big step closer to Pi and Massu, watching if he’d really do it .. which of course Pi did, he took the belt, I think Massu actually put it around his waist, which made Tesshi and most others root again XD Pi did some quick boxing before getting it off again. He stood there holding the belt for a while, watching the others as they continued talking, eventually Massu nodded and took the belt from Pi XD

At some point before leaving Pi suddenly pointed at Tesshi, saying something like “You know your joke earlier wasn’t funny at all / or I didn’t get the meaning at all.”  He referred to Kesenai when Tegoshi made a joke about Massu and said “USOOO DESU!!!!” ~

Tesshi just laughed it off.. don’t think he bothered to explain or he didn’t have a good excuse for a lame joke LOL.

Shige, who held on to Koyama’s uchiwa the whole time tenderly, kept on turning it around in his hand the whole time, stealing glances at Keii’s picture while talking or while others talked.. xD

Seriously he DID.


So when everyone left the stage, Massu was left alone… looking around first wondering what to do.. then he spotted the box and said “Ahhh the purin!!!!” XD so he went to get it, he placed it before on the stage’s corner, and he gulped down one cup very quickly leaving the fans squeal! XD he then took another one and opened it, took a spoonful and looked over his shoulder seeing if Tegoshi might be back… he wasn’t and so he gulped down another two spoonful but didn’t finish the cup, instead put the lit back on and put it back into the box….a moment later he suddenly screamed “TEGOSHI” really loud… before he got up again and tried to talk about something since it was still the MC time right.. so he started talking about him an Nakamura and Koki going out, first he mentioned Yamapi and Ryo I believe.. again I think he said that there was Tegoshi as well but came to the conclusion he wasn’t and so he went on talking about him, Nakamura and Koki going out to eat… he then mentioned that those two were actually here today too and the spotlights caught the two in the Vip seating.

It was sweet seeing Koki go all embarrassed saying he should stop that and the lights should go away! He kept waving the light guys away but they didn’t leave him alone for a while, he seemed really bothered by that ^^””” it was sweet somehow, he really is a nice guy not like others.. I won’t mention any names… XDDD

While Massu talked about the trip and how Koki ended up paying for them and how he was grateful, Koki was really embarrassed, waving around, ducking his head and pulling his shirt LOL bet he was getting sweaty haha…..

When Tegoshi came back Massu was saying he talked about Koki and Tegoshi turned to Koki, waving madly greeting him again so that the spotlights went back to his face and he cursed XD ahah.. Tegoshi then cracked up laughing again xD

Soon they started the Chu Chu Chu renshu ~ Before Massu started talking about Tegomasu no ai and the song they were doing now is called…asking Tegoshi, who then said in a deep cracky voice “chu chu chu” ~ which Massu wasn’t happy with LOL he said he should say it more passionately or cutely… and demonstrated himself ~

Once we were through one time, Massu then showed how to do all of it in a very slow way, as always. Leaving Tegoshi crack up again madly…. You should think he already knew how baka Massu’s slow version is but he always can’t stop laughing… xD

Tegoshi again said, that was a bit too slow, can we do it a bit faster and so Massu did it VERY FAST (just like always LOL) ..  The fans wanted Tegoshi to do it~

Tegoshi didn’t get what everyone wanted, asking “Me? The fast way?” O.o”

Massu said he should insert the “paku paku” and Tegoshi was like “naaaaah, it’s chu chu chu right now not ebi sen!” But he ended up doing the very quick version including “paku paku” ♥ haha

And he cracked up again … =p

Ending with his cute “OK”. ♥

Again Tegoshi lead the final renshu with music ♥

This time Tegoshi sang “Happy nee” in Massu’s part in again in a very deep, which sounds incredibly cute. ♥

Um, so as always these songs followed ….



Bokura no Sora


Cheetah Gorilla Orangutan

Nothing special happened XD I just loved every performance…

When they came back on to the stage they started with Yoru wa Hoshi wo Nagametekure, followed by Kissu Kaerimichi no Love song.

After that they introduced the new song again.

Ai no Naka de.

BUUUUT, today this performance was REALLY HORRIBLE!!!!

I mean....


Tegoshi sang so beautifully (ah yeah you get tired of reading this….)

Well, but... after Massu’s part, right when Tegoshi started to sing...

The main background (which is a HUGE screen) it showed a review of Tegomasu's past concerts!!!

Showing pictured of the boys on stage…when I saw happy pictures of Tegoshi while he actually sang, tears just fell down, it was too much, just too touching

They showed many sweet pictures of them on stage.. first only Tegoshi then Massu then backstage pix and then when the songs became more intense they even showed Tegomasu with their arms linked on stage, and doing the heart shape with their hands.

Truly it was the sweetest, the song, the pix, the ai….

I totally ruined my eye makeup O_O

After they finished, the fans went totally berserk again, never stopping clapping… one guy even screamed MASSU really loud. So cute..

They really didn’t stop clapping and chanting until after a long while both came back out on stage, Massu carrying a towel holding it in the air as he followed Tegoshi from the right side of the stage (both not saying a single word and just waved), they walked across the stage before disappearing again …. EVERYONE went “heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”… shortly they came back out and ended up talking about today’s concert and the other concerts and the usual thank you! I just wish I could pass on their exact words.

Then they disappeared again…

After a while they came back out since the fans didn’t shut up =P

Then they came with band and sang chicken boy, after which they took the time enjoying everyone’s cheering for what seemed like ages. Massu guided the band and Tegoshi to EACH side of the stage, made them get in line and bow, enjoying the cheers.. they did that like 4 times.. Before finally leaving the stage.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

This again took me ages to write down, so I hope you enjoy and appreciate it XDD

*gets kicked*

Haha ^_~

I’m happy to share though ~

The audio is a little bad in some parts because the fans just didn’t shut up XD

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

And since this is the last entry I want to say it once more because it’s true.

NOTHING will ever make me as happy as seeing such a happy and energetic Tegoshi Yuya.


I also want to say that even though I am just talking about Tegoshi the whole time, of course I know that Tegomasu wouldn’t be who they are if it wasn’t for Massu, ne. I know that and I am also grateful for every little second of music he offered us! I appreciate them both and their music. And every time I see Massu on stage it never fails me that he gives 250 % of his energy and love as well, it’s really incredible how much effort and love they both can put into their singing. It leaves me just speechless.


I feel truly blessed right now, having the chance to watch 7 Tegomasu concerts with a mini concert coming in two weeks! So in total, seeing Tegoshi live for about like.. let me see maybe a total of around 22,5 hours in 9 days for 8 concerts and 1 movie premiere!

The last 3 days were incredible intense, seeing him (them) for 12~ hours!

12 hours of total Tegomasu power ~

I still can’t really realize it but I’m truly thankful!

I know that others are luckier than me, having the chance to see almost every concert of the tour, and the last and NEWS and TV performances.. I mean I talked to some that actually saw every single show --;;; hearing this makes me depressed again LOL but in the end I am just super happy with what I got right now.

I definitely don’t take it for granted. ♥

Someone asked me about Tegoshi's hair.. and his hair clip..

I tried to draw it..

no bashing please, I know it sucks xD

haha; I haven't drawn any manga person or whatsoever in years, literally.

so, he wore a big red start that sparkled, it was some sort of clip, you didnt see any pins ..

I dunno >__<

but it looked like this..

very high, holding back most hair of his right side.


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