[REVIEW] テゴマスのあい2nd ライブ、2010年07月30日@代々木

Jul 31, 2010 04:26

テゴマスのあい2nd ライブ、2010年07月30日@代々木

Nee, tonight was the first concert of their “4 show no ai” bonus!

I don’t really know where to start talking about it or what to tell you guys XD Some of you said they were looking forward for a review again, which made me really happy, but I wonder if I can give you anything interesting. I will try, and hope you can enjoy it a little, just bear with my flailing ;) at the end I sure will hand out audio rips of the shows, just drop me a line if you’d like to download and I will send you the link, because I don’t really want my files floating around the internet in the future, I hope you understand and also won’t re-upload or spread without my permission. THANK YOU <3

First off, I NEVER felt that much NERVOUS before “seeing” Tegoshi and I NEVER felt that EXCITED during a concert, although every single time had been a blast but tonight I felt like テゴdisplayed SO MUCH LOVE and happiness that it was almost unbearable XD

No actually both of the boys were shining with love but I was taken away by Tegoshi’s NEVER FUCKING ENDING SMILES ~ just like every time but much more intense somehow or maybe I was just desperate to see it again xD …. Either way it was wonderful, he never stopped smiling.. *sigh* seeing him so happy, no literally bursting with happiness is the best gift in the entire world and I am so thankful I could witness it for the 4th in my life. Arigatou.

I will give you the set list again but I believe everyone knows it by now and already knows about the bonus songs! ;)

Like the first time around they began with NEIRO, powerful and lovely sung. It was really a blast watching them, and テゴscreamed around at least three times ~ just lovely XD

They went straight into LA LA SAKURA, with テゴscreaming again <3

Smoothly going over into Kimi+Boku=love, which always is super sweet to watch them perform! Like during every song the stage is VERY colorful and surrounds them just perfectly. During the song, テゴ sings in his silly voice during the first part =p which easily brings me to squealing XD especially his “ARA~” was a little different, with lots of grimacing XD he actually does it too much lately, making funny faces while singing .. not that I really mind though <3 just something I noticed.

During the song,I think, Massu fell.. I think he did, it sounded kinda funny for a moment and everyone started screaming >-

Oh and at one time テゴpretended to kiss Massu on the cheek ~ WAH, my heart almost skipped a beat .. XD in the end I wouldn’t mind him kiss Massu (since it was only the cheek) but just the thought of how Massu must feel having テゴ SO FCKIN CLOSE and “posing” his chu for SO LONG… was probably all I could think of XD WAh…

After the song I believe テゴ says „yoyogi tada ima tegomasu desu!“ - „tegomasu no tegoshi desu“ and when Massu joined him he went “so…” and said something I didn’t really get the punch line of.. he kept saying something that sounded like “zock” or “zog” … maybe someone understands it better than me --;;;;

Then they kept saying “Tada Ima” in many various versions… really sweet. テゴ of course went very high with his voice =p like always… ahah.. and then said “..nani kore?” XD Massu explained the whole “tada ima” - “Okaeri” thing and about the songs from Sweden etc.. Which they performed next =P

Hm hm, I really like the song a lot therefore I was pretty psyched about the performance ~ it was LOVELY !!! so sweet.

They went straight into Miso Soup, during which テゴ overdid his „walking“ from the middle of the song… he really moved too much, LOL it was kinda funny he was really into his „walking“ swaying his hands and lifted his feet like the floor was sticky XD Here too, like during most songs, when Massu sings he keeps „singing“ with him (mutely of course XD) which is the sweetest to watch <3

Next was Chocolate!


and and then.. WHAT's GOING ON... *______*



When they got to this song they were already exhausted to the max, sweating madly..

… and seriously I thought this performance should get a PG RATED sticker XD

Just because,.. well テゴ obviously enjoyed himself ALOT there.. pretty active as always during this song, and OMGT drowning in sweat sweaty, hips swaying in killer sways, bum smacking, singing Tegoshi brought be close to fainting this time… XD seriously he was smacking his bum, haha.. his facial expressions really were worth a explicit performance sticker.

I didn’t mind.


Without a break they started talking ~

About love, life and thank you XD


And then just the normal talk, bout how happy they are <3

*sigh* me too, me too ….

LOL, テゴ: ARIGATOU (squeaky voice) ~ yappa raibu ii ne  ~


Then they talked about something I dind’t understand but they came tot he conclusion it is TOO HOT XD and テゴ was like „well, summer arrived ne“ LOL.

Sorry I didn’t really understand enough what they talked about next to give you a proper interpretation --;; but they ended up talking about moshi mo sekai kara maru maru… and talked about the title,…

And I believe (not know for sho) Massu was like saying “moshi mo kono sekai kara maru maru… now listen to it!” like in a rather less friendly/excited way that made テゴ say something like „hey hey, you can’t go like that.. put more love into it” XD then Massu was like, “ne minna de issho ni..” and burst out in giggles again XDDD they were just too adorable I tell you ~

In the end they managed to start the song too =p Ah just recently I started “learning” the song, and now I love it even more XD I wasn’t so fond of it in the beginning.. well and here again, テゴ did alot of „hand action“ especially at „keitai o nigirishimata..“

Next was Ai Ai Gasa, hajimete no asa and Kata Omoi.

I don’t need to say that all three songs were performed beautifully ne!!!! Hajimete no Asa blew me away again.. so INTENSE!!! Intense I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially when you actually see them perform in front of you *sobs*….

Sorry I didn’t understand 100% what they were talking about before singing Kata omoi, but that テゴ likes to sing it and he asked how we like it…

Then they went back to the main stage to sing Kesenai, followed by Sekai wo ~

Tegoshi’s voice was brilliant, so clear and beautiful. I can’t stop loving Kesenai and tonight’s performance was just mind blowing <3 I was just fixated on テゴ and his voice that I totally forgot everything around me for the time being.

After the songs he got his guitar back, thanks staff-san!, and he hit the strings with a loud 1,2,1,2,3,4


Wah! FAINT ALARM! *shudder* Just incredible that little crazy kid and his guitar! XD

happy me, during the song, he kept walking on my side again <3  I never had to miss テゴ and his guitar from up close so far! Arigatou! He is just so sweet playing his guitar, singing along without mic to what Massu sings.. totally enjoying himself, the song and everything!!!! <3 oh dear, and when he hits the strings and swaying his hips in the rhythm to the song, nosebleed alarm! He didn’t forget to shake his head and even abuses the strings like a rocker LOL seriously so much fun to watch <3

After the clothe change break they reappeared on their zou-chan’s!

.... and OMGT DEAR LORD when I spotted テゴ (sadly on the other side) I wanted to squeal! XD HIS CLOTHES!!!! So mindfucking ridiculously kakkoii!!! XD

Black shirt, probably tank top like, which sparkles when you get a close look .. it’s like the fabric has thin silver sparkles inside.. ma I can’t explain cause I am not English native speaking --;;; but when he lifted the white shirt he wore over it when he was in front of me, I could see it sparkled silver (the black shirt) XD ah I got a shirt like that I can take a photo if u want LOL

White shirt / blouse over the black top, unbuttoned

LEOPARD print patterned VEST on top of all; the back of the vest was black, decorated with a DIAMOND AND CROSSBONES made out of flashy “Swarovski” stones.

Light blue, tight, Jeans with a flashy stripe out of some kind of sparkling things, maybe palettes…. going down the leg (on the side)

Brown/red-ish suspenders hanging down from them (bottom side)

Brown boots


A necklace with a very small white skull

Another necklace, bigger, with a BIG silver cross, which he kept touching/playing with during the MC <3

A RED and BLACK striped sweatband that has a white skull patch on it <3

And he also wore a big ring, probably a skull

And a thing pink wrist band / bracelet on the other hand (like a friendship thingy.. XD)


Ah Massu too, he wore some LONG green shirt over a very cute tee, maybe light blue.. don’t really remember.. he also wore strange yellow/peach colored shorts that could pass as a PJ bottom like usually XD plus a REALLY BIG BELT.. LOL.. in silver… which said “CHAMPION” .. like a boxer belt LOL

Massu forgot to sing almost in the beginning of the song for a brief moment, right when he passed my spot with zou-chan XD tomorrow I will be on the other side for a change so I can finally see テゴ on his zou-chan from up close!! Massu was so CLOSE XDD maaa~ was funny to see though, but I preferred peaking to the other side to テゴ >____<

Before they met at the backstage Massu was being mean, he started the SMOKE right before meeting テゴ, so he got hit by the smoke into the face LOL

of course it was super adorable, テゴsinging with the wind/smoke blowing around his face XDD and he totally laughed it off <3  Haha Massu~~~

Well as you know by now I also can’t give you a very good transcript of the MC! I wish I could…

During the MC most of the time テゴ was drinking from his tegomasu tumbler <3

Seriously he was just tooo adorable! Nipping from that pink plastic cup *kya* He never put it down …

They began the MC with Massu asking what they should talk about and they more or less started talking about the new goods, the newspaper and the tumbler which both of them were carrying !!!


They both seemed excited about it, テゴ said yeah you can drink your coffee from there or such..

Massu doesn’t really appreciate the color though LOL saying it was Tegoshi’s color/style rather than his…He said it was too cute for his taste, asking if the fans liked the color/kawaiiness of it xD and a loud squealing yes filled the place xD as expected. Massu made a really disgusted face and テゴ was like „warui, warui nee“ ~

He also was kinda sad it only got Tegoshi’s drawings there and since it is also pink it seems rather like  something for Tegoshi’s solo concerts XD

テゴ also brought up that NEWS is going to be working again and how excited he is, they talked about how long it has been (tokyo dome ne..) and stuff….

Massu said he recently went to KATTUN concert and when he got on stage Kame was being really cool walking up to him and stuff and he did some interpretation (roughly) lol which seemed to excite テゴ and he went toward Massu twirling his finger, doing some Kame interpretation, swinging around in the similar way he did on his radio show long time ago XD very cute, silly and oh *************** XD

Massu also went to eat with Nakamura(?) and Koki… which seemed to surprise テゴ xD and they kept talking about Massu and the two KATTUN guys going to eat and how it happed.. テゴ was like „how come you three went out? What did you talk about?“ LOL

Tegoshi started to tell a story about going to Akihabara with the Tegomasu band and some Maid Café experience, which was pretty fun,….at some point Massu suddenly said “wooops…I broke the tumbler” and テゴ was like “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH” “NANDE?? Nande?” LOL it was seriously the cutest!!!

There is a white piece inside the tumbler which seemed to have gotten lose xD He managed to stick it back inside ;) I think he just wanted to distract テゴ …. =p

<- white piece! XD

Anyway Tegoshi ended up ordering moe moe omu raisu or something like that, and some maid was like “wakarimashita…moe more omu raisu Tegoshi,.. TEGOSHI!?”

Screaming into his face when she noticed who he was. テゴ’s interpretation is just priceless!! You should have seen his face as he talked, totally absorbed in his own speech.. xD

She then wanted a picture taken, and somehow they ended up making a bit ruckus, many ppl and probably without picture.... XD

I wish someone will translate the talk! Tegoshi talks a lot.. it was fun but I can’t get all of it >-<

At some point they talked about where they went… テゴ was in Okinawa eating A LOT =P he was like “did I go there this year too???...hmm..yeah I did..” LOL and “I also went o saipan for calbee ~” saying it was his first time there and its nice.. and somehow the fans insisted he would do the Kappa Ebi Sen dance .. Massu was like “yeah go ahead…” LOL and he sat down on the stage.. leaving テゴ talking about it some more, trying to remember the dance.. which was CUTENESS OVERFLOW! I wondered if he had forgotten the dance when he insisted we should learn it LOL…

He managed to remember ^-^

Also tried to teach Massu the song, so he can just dance but Massu wasn’t so happy XD Think he said something like “I don’t even know that.. u do it urself”

Tegoshi then closed his eyes for a second before suddenly burst out in a big SQUEAL saying like “WAH DO I REALLY HAVE TO” LOL he suddenly seemed so embarrassed, making funny faces, wiggling his nose..

He then danced and sang in the cutest, half assed way XD  no seriously he did it well ~

Singing slightly in a mocking way though xD  JUST TOOOOOOOOOOO ADORABLE <3

But it was a bit difficult singing with the mic in his hand when he swung it around like a mad man XD

He also did some funny momonane I don’t know LOL he was literally bursting with happiness that whole day and he had such a blast making jokes I don’t understand LOL nevertheless, too cute for words.

Massu ended up talking about his (lonely) birthday for a loooong while… and in the end he was like, ah that wasn’t even interesting… LOL.. sumimasen… XD Tegoshi could hardly stop laughing… XDDDD

They talked about Karaoke again… <3

Massu singing WEEK and Miso soup and so on… you need to hear the talk I’m not able to translate =p gomen.. But テゴ was like he sang Miso Soup and Real face with koki once…

After the MC they did the Chu x 3 renshu ~

Massu then offered to insert the “Paku Paku” at some point xDDD

The whole renshu was a mess, hilarious and adorable to watch Tegoshi crack up so many times…  <3

The performance too.. XD

I LOVE how the song starts, so intense and sweet with their voices.. テゴ during his parts keeps messing around.. singing in a mocking way =p silly boy, you got to hear this! XD I love when he sings “Happy neee” in Massu’s part.. his voice goes down into the cellar.. like really DEEP xD so cute.

Uhuh .. now I’m so tired writing this… gomen guys.. I will keep it short from here, it’s already 3:14 AM and I need to be awake somehow soon again >___<

So next were ….



[TEGONYAN SO CLOSE AGAIN!!!! Wahh.. I was first row of the side stage ~ not the BEST spot in the arena but pretty happy when sometimes I got really close to テゴ, guess i can’t be close all the time right ;_;~ ]

Bokura no Sora


During these songs they moved around a lot, almost every song got a new location - LOVED the songs, performances again super fun, clear and ah.. just so sweet XDD

I think my favorite performance somehow is Cheetah Gorilla Orangutan ~ I JUST LOVE THE SONG and they are so happy jumping around <3 which makes me even happier.

Hmm… the Encore, started with Yoru wa Hoshi wo Nagametekure after which they introduced a new song!!! Yeah, written and composed by both of them (!?) written for their fans (!?) XD I believe.

Ai no Naka de, a song so sweet like honey! I LOVE IT! It brought me to tears right away, so touching…




Kiss Kerimichi no Love Song was of course not left out! YOSH, another wonderful performance down!

Actually a whole new WONDERFUL concert down.

Oh boy, I can’t even try to explain how happy I am ! being able to witness this above, everything just simply amazing and I am so grateful for their existence.

NOTHING will ever make me as happy as seeing such a happy and energetic Tegoshi Yuya.


Hope everyone liked this above as well and will look forward to a DVD, which HAS TO BE RELEASED!!!!

If you like the mp3 rip, tell me I will be happy to pass it on.

Please just give me a little time to fix it and upload, I tried the past three hours but I need to get it into correct shape, it is DEFINITELY worth listening to. A really good and clear rip <3

I’ll try going to bed now ‘cause I have three more shows to attend <3

Here some pictures of the tumbler, u can also find the newspaper on my bed.

I also got some pictures to put up, since I really like my room right now I want to share ~

so much tego-goodness is hard to handle though LOL

My cute little russk wallet

I also did some Uchiwa, last nicht until 4..or 5...

They kind of suck, I know but it was all i could manage with stuff i found at home.

GOD BLESS the kids's crafts stuff... xD

I didn't want to spend money on it so I only bought two 100 yen Uchiwa... >__<;;;

seems like the cheap european way to do it LOL haha....

concert, tegomass

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