REPORT - テゴマスのあい2ndライブ 2010-06-04 @Yoyogi 18:30

Jun 08, 2010 15:02


2010-06-04 @Yoyogi 18:30

Doumo, Rina desu! 

As I got back from the concert I was still feeling dizzy ^_^

It being the third and last (and my second) concert of this tour in Tokyo! ^_^

Thank you guys for liking my other reports! I loved reading your comments! I didn’t have time to reply yet …and well for tonight I won’t have such a big review since most of it was the same and I shouldn’t flail too much… T_T  hehe..

Let me try an overview of what I remember that was different ^_^

The bad news,… my audio rec. messed up and I more or less don’t have anything from tonight’s show! I did a rip of Kesenai and Hajimete no Asa and the encore cause it’s the only songs that are kind of ok to listen to….

I am very sad about it!!!! I should have just done it like last night, so annoying… only the talk is kind of clear but I wonder if someone can actually understand it because maybe it’s not clear enough after all.. ;_;

standing in line for the goods, i got sunburned pretty badly >-<

that's the (back) entrance of the GYM


This time I was standing in 4th row, right on the left hand side from the main stage (block A2) Therefore I couldn’t see the boy as good as the last time during their “opening” which was Neiro
. They entered again through the center stage but soon walked toward the main stage. This time too I was surrounded by mostly Massu fans o.O” not to forget a group of 4 guys who seemed to be Massu fans too ehehe they were pretty hilarious XD I wonder if they just got lucky and won the arena seats or if their girlfriends got sick and couldn’t attend the show XD or if they actually spend as much money on the tickets like others who bought them at the ticket office.. XDD that must be love XD

So during Neiro テゴwalked along the side walk where I was ^^ smiling, waving and singing (obviously XD) They ran to get their instruments for La La Sakura
and continued with Kimi+Boku=LOVE

Ah~ テゴand his guitar was pure LOVE again

I was pretty excited stading soo close up front this time during the songs I missed a little from the center!

[as you can see they have a potest and the rest of the screen stage goes up like a pyramid ]

the screen turned into a heart during a different song! kawaii desho ?!

Especially La La Sakura and Kimi+Boku=LOVE were awesome! テゴstood on my side during most time of K+B=L, literally right in front of me again ^_^ He was doing his finger thingies again, pretty adorable! =p

… I could swear that when singing  Kimi+Boku=LOVE narimasu ka .. he was so pointing at me!

LOL ok ok, maybe not.. =P but soooo sure it was my direction, well I guess he just pointed straight in front of him… XD but let me dream a little… =P

Of course both had a blast and  テゴhad his pink, red, yellow, blue FEATHERS in his HAIR again!!!

This time it looked a little more smooth haha… just super cute!  ^______^

I don’t know if he did his “counting” during the same songs actually LOL but he did it again ^^

After the song ended they did their introduction,

Tegomasu no Tegoshi desu

Boku ga, anata no Masuda Takahisa desu

[Download intro ]

It was defiantly different to last time LOL but still super adorable, super high pitched girly voice but this time Massu could finish without interruptions XD

Same quick chit chat, the usual ~Yoyogi no minna-san tanoshindemasu ka~ and we are here and something about love here and there…  =p

Then there was Miso Soup
again, followed by CHOCOLATE with the LCD Piano!

This time it seemed like they didn’t try so hard to jump on the right lit up keys =P (tired of it already? haha) but  テゴ totally, super smoothly hit the last two lit up keys that always make him go in a pose close to a split ^^

What’s Going On
was next, followed by a short talk about “maru” and “tanks” XD

They said something about filling our love tank tonight ~

So again they talked about Moshi mo kono sekai kara..
, which was the next song^^

Next was ~


Ai Ai Gasa



Before they started Kesenai, they talked about playing the song and Massu was like “this time I will just be like back when we were singing it as Jr….. You singing and I’ll be just sit here (he sat down) and I’ll just be there doing this” and he moved his head like to a melody ^-^

I think Tesshi wasn’t so happy with it and sent him to the piano LOL
Massu They did what they did during every show I bet, Massu fooling around with the piano =p

Massu played a different tune than the night before but it was welcomed by everyone with the same enthusiasm XD

Kesenai was just wonderful again! ドキドキ

Such a beautiful song and his voice totally got me melting all over again. Not to mention his eyes.. もーう。。。It was also the BEST that I could see it from up close this time!!!! Aw..I didn’t want it to end.

It eventually did and next was Minna ga iru sekai wo hitotsu ni ai wo motto Give and Take shimashou ~

It was well sung again and this time I could look at テゴbetter than the last time ^^ Still most of the time there was Massu jumping up and down before my eyes XD

After that they sang Boku no Cinderealla
on their Zou-chan’s ^_______^

This time テゴ  did NOT wear his soccer shirt, instead came out properly dressed and didn’t need Massu to help him change his shirt like the night before XD eheh…

Here you can listen to the MC and the Chu3x introduction of the dance

And here is the song (sadly close to the ending it gets too loud)

Pasta and Hanamuke
were next, a little less energetic but just as intense! Bokura no Sora , HIGHWAY and Cheetah, Gorilla, Orangutan!
Followed, all of it super upbeat and lots of fun ^____^ as you can imagine already they enjoyed themselves to the MAXIMUM!

[btw, this would be a nice title for a TEGOMASU song, right? MAXIMUM. I have the feeling they’ll use this word sometimes soon …somehow.. XD ]

during Cheetah, Gorilla, Orangutan they showed pretty Tego (and Massu) in their Animal costumes!!! SO CUTE!

like you can see here!

GAWD isn't that tiger adorable? *_*

Gomen ne, Massu, you look a bit dark.. xD

They split the venue and made everyone sing “la la la…”, Tegoshi introduced the band and Tegomasu introduced each other before they finished the song with the last “part” ^^

After that they disappeared and came out a little bit later for the encore, which again was Yoru wa hoshi and Kissu Kaermichi no love song.

Both thanked everyone for coming and having a lovely time and then they disappeared again. When they were gone the main screen showed a computer animated book that opened itself and each page had a picture of (tonight’s ?) performance. They showed each song, titled with a photo and Tego n Massu at the end if I remember correctly.

During the time they showed the book they played the melody of Kissu and everyone of the fans sang along, which was pretty cute!

The book was put in a shelf that showed a book of every performance of this tour with a number (1 - 20 something). When everything blacked out a little and the announcements started to go the fans screamed for another encore, very enthusiastically (they didn’t the night before).

Eventually Tegoshi and Massu came back out again in their pink shirts ^^

They seemed very pleased and thanked everyone again and again and all over again XD it was a blessing to see! ^-^

They asked if we want another song and then the band came out and they played Chicken Boy.

I wished they had sung a different song XD don’t kill me.. eheh.. I still loved it to bits though! I just rather had heard something else.. but I don’t mind now cause it was wonderful as it was ^____^

After that they said that something incredible happened and they were given the opportunity to sing again, here in Yoyogi, next month already. They were so pleased with having another three concerts especially in their “home place”.

They kept saying “welcome back Yoyogi” many times and they really enjoyed the crowd. Well they might enjoy every place to the MAX XD Since it’s not my hometown (sadly) I don’t really mind which place they enjoy the most but I am overly pleased that they do live in Tokyo and that they will have more show’s here! <3

I remember one moment during the encore when Tegoshi was standing in front of me. He stood there looking straight ahead of himself, just straight maybe trying to focus on the song, hoping not being distracted by fans. He usually looks up high so he won’t be distracted I believe, that’s what he did during the movie premier too.. “looking into nothingness” and biting his lip XD

Anyways he just stood there simply looking pretty with his sweaty face, singing the sad lyrics of Yoru wa hoshi wo…

he put all his heart into it and looked pretty focused and “sad-ish” .. when it was over and the melody slowly faded out he still looked pretty much focused for a bit but eventually he lowered his head and looked over to where I was and like I knew what he’d do, he just smiled. First a little, fighting it but then after that particular smile that he keeps doing at times like that he gave up and smiled brightly…you could see he tried to look “cool” or “sad” but he failed as always ^-^ and it was super cute despite the mood was pretty intense, it was just so sweet.

That particular look on his face is priceless
and I wish I had it on camera. I can’t describe it properly but yeah that look, it feels like I know someone who has that look, like I have seen it millions of times but it can’t be. It’s Tegoshi Yuya’s smile and it’s one of a kind yet it feels so familiar >__<

AFTER THE ENCORE they showed the dates for the upcoming shows on the main screen.


During the MC, well, they talked about a lot of things I didn’t really understand T_T

I am very sad about that because it seemed pretty nice! >.<”””

Let’s see, they talked about music and karaoke, about Massu’s trip with Shige to Odaiba and their picture fail, about Hip hop and other Johnny’s bands, they introduced the Johnny’s Jr. which were sitting in the audience…actually they spent a lot of time talking about the Jr. and Johnny’s and debut times and so on…Massu’s school time and that he didn’t like singing back then and his Teacher threatening him with an old tape of a school fair where they sang XD

I wonder if I can put it into order…

Massu said that he didn’t sing at school’s hapyokai properly and only moved his mouth with the music, which he demonstrated. (hapyokai = something like this!? XD I thought they only did it in yochien.. hm I dunno which grade massu was talking about LOL)

He said when he met his teacher recently he kept saying that he still has some old tapes of him “singing” and Massu was saying something like “Tomorrow everyone goes searching on YouTube ‘masuda takahisa hapyokai bleh something’ …  =p wonder if ppl did LOL

They talked about the hanabi festival and thanked for being able to be opening act. Tegoshi said it would be also the first time for a Johnny’s to do so (true? No clue..LOL)

Tegoshi said the 6 of NEWS haven’t met in ages and wondered when the last time was. Apparently during Sakura Girl and Massu said that he got text messages though from Yamapi and Koyama. Tegoshi said Koyama texted him too. Massu said he met with Shige though and asked what Tegoshi received xD

Tegoshi didn’t want to say LOL

He then said Koyama said something about Massu not being good at the mc (?)

Massu: ……

Tegoshi then said it was a joke and of course he only said good things about him!

Massu told about one time he went to Odaiba with Shige and friends and they had a strange encounter with an old couple. Apparently they asked Massu to take a photo (of themselves in front of a sign) Massu was like “alright” but Shige suddenly said that they can’t do that and somehow scared the obaachan away XD though it was rather a misunderstanding =p

Think it was a long time ago though…

Tegoshi said he doesn’t really sing TEGOMASU songs at karaoke? I think at some point he realized he shouldn’t have said that LOL his face was just too cute going all worried XD Massu kept on asking what he sings and so they went through some song and demonstrated how they’d sing them but I don’t really remember the songs…but there was one from XJapan and TOKIO?

Tegoshi asked Massu if he’d also sing hip hop because he likes to listen to it, Massu said he don’t cause he can’t remember the lyrics in English XD he would just go “hm hm la la yo yo “ something like that =p

Massu said he can memorize English lyrics from Backstreet Boys but no Hip Hop songs; they’re too fast or difficult.

If I remember right Tegoshi began to talk about Karaoke and asked how often Massu’d go, he said “mai nichi” XD. Tegoshi asked what he’d sing and said that when at Karaoke he would sing Miso soup and Kissu ~ though sometimes but always sings Massu’s part and they discussed why it was easier to sing it like that. Tegoshi though said Massu’s parts are very difficult in some way and Massu then agreed happily. Tegoshi said that NEWS Songs aren’t good to sing at karaoke by yourself and usually his friends don’t want to sing along ( I think)  well he said that its difficult to sing a song that is made for 6 people by yourself xD (I agree LOL) when he sings WEEEK it will sound something like that (and he sang in a funny rock voice ) Massu said so too and also demonstrated Happy Birthday =P they agreed that the timing was difficult ~

Tegoshi singing some Jr. song? And Massu “jump into my dream” … and others I dunno =p

Tegoshi did also …

- “Kuchizuke wo~”

- “sen no kaze ni~”

-“that weird mononoke song” XD

They talked a lot about karaoke so it was quite interesting <3

Hm they also talked about hairstyles, especially the “bob”.. I didn’t understand much though *_*

They mentioned KAT-TUN and the good’s no zou-chan drawing…

After the concert I watched their tour DVD 2009 and noticed that this year’s shows seemed to have a different stage and seating organization. What I mean is that compared to last year I believe the seating was closer to the main stage and there were small stage (side) walks [whatever you call it >___<] that connected the main stage with the center stage but those weren’t filled with air LOL [ok I dunno if they were last year but last year they jumped on them this time they were real stages]. They weren’t moved or removed at all during the show. It was definatly different and they used them a lot ^_^ (luckily) ehe

During some songs they let small heart shaped balloons fall down into the center of the arena seating, little further in the back (C - D seating) there were small SILVER hearts (like foil XD) falling down and on the sides of the arena seating they had yellow streamers. They didn’t throw everything everywhere… they sorted well, where they’d throw it..  =P

Same goes for Tego n Massu’s walking.. they tried to reach every fan even in the back as good as possible I believe, even though for only a few songs they went to the back, and UP to see the people on the balconies XD Really sweet <3 Nobody was left out…

Hm what else? Ah right the screens! They had 4 screens like last time! Two small ones on each side of the stage up front, one HUGE one in the center in the front as well as similar size in the back! ^^

The main screen was really amazing! They even walked on it! Yeah defiantly the coolest was to watch the boys walk slightly upwards when they got into the back of the stage. The floor was LCD lighted screen (or whatever you call it >_<) and during Miso Soup they showed a moving road, during chocolate it rained chocolate, during lala sakura they sang before sakura tree and there was also a piano which they played as well as cell phones during their “costume” change and one time they formed a heart. When they left the stage they disappeared into a hole in the LCD Screen floor xD really cute =P

The band was kind of hidden this time! We got to see mostly just the boys ^_^

They really OWNED the stage, literially <3

It was just wonderful!

I can’t wait for a DVD! This is going to be sooo awesome!!!

Also Tegoshi was a lot more confident in “dancing” singing and whatever it was he did =P

He was all smiles and happiness overflow ^_^

Massu, well… during both concerts he kept on looking at my direction and when he was really close it felt really embarrassing for some reason. The way he looked and smiled showed that he didn’t really mind me holding a Tegoshi uchiwa LOL I still sang along to his lines and cheered for him ahaha…

I really don’t know but it was strange cause it seemed like he was looking at me many times >___< He gave me that look that made me want to look away for some reason o.o” I was on his side when he rode Zou-chan too, sadly Tegoshi got onto it the other side of the stage *sniff*

Massu should do something about his hairy legs LOL and uhhh, he too had lots of mosquito bites! Just like me >___< annoying things….

I can’t say much more about Massu though, I kept on chasing his friend ^^’’

Some song downloads for you guys...

ENCORE, sadly my battery ran out right after Kissu ~

Tegomasu no intro

Talk about tank and maru....

Kesenai [song only]

Hajimete no Asa PLUS Massu's piano talk (before Kesenai)

ONLY after Hajimete no Asa PLUS Massu's piano talk (for those who dont want the song, since the itnisn't soo clear from the middle ;_;)

MC plus Chu3x introduction

Chu Chu Chu [first Tegoshi's renshu XD *ii nee* followed by 1234 ~ and the song XD JUST LOVE

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REPORT - テゴマスのあい2nd ライブ 2010-06-03 @Yoyogi 18:30

REPORT - テゴマスのうた 1st ライブ  2009-08-05 @Yoyogi 14:00


That’s it for now; I tried to remember as much as  I could but mostly the stage setting and songs were the same and because I am super busy this week I had to type down little by little but I hope it is ok like that ^_^

Thanks again and see you soon! 

Yes it is a THREAT ^_^


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