REPORT (PART 2 ) - テゴマスのあい2ndライブ 2010-06-03 @Yoyogi 18:30

Jun 04, 2010 02:12

this is part two of my crazy report

I hope u understand what i am trying to bring across xDDD

Next song started with a loud 1, 1-2-3-4 by テゴ ^_^

And it was Minna ga iru sekai wo hitotsu ni ai wo motto Give and Take shimashou ~

Surprised me a little but what a GREAT song!!! So much fun, so upbeat as known from NEWS ^______^

I loved it sooo much ~  and just how much テゴ was into his guitar!!!

He nearly broke it XD when he started I thought there’d be a larc~ song coming LOL  Just soooo waayyy toooo cool >__________<

Ah they walked back to the center stage here! First only Massu and everyone behind me turned around to follow Massu except me, my eyes were fixed on Tegoshi on the other side >___<

It was strange LOL but eventually テゴ followed and walked pass me ^_^

After this there was another 1, 1-2-3-4 by テゴ ^_^

And Boku No Cinderealla followed ^_______^

How much I LOVE THIS SONG ~ <3

Zou-chan’s came out too! ^_^

They had two huge balloons hung to them, which popped at some point and let down many many mini heart shaped colorful balloons. It was cute! Love the song, the zou-chan’s and oh-

テゴ WORE A BLUE SOCCER SHIRT! (j-league)!!! ^_______^

Number 6, Atsuto Uchida!

SO DAMN CUTE!!! Wished I had worn mine too =P I actually considered >___<

After the song they talked about why they have Elephants this time and just a little chat ^^

Oh they talked about his T-shirt and soccer and テゴsaying something about swiss…..
 Massu then asked isn’t it doitsu and テゴ was like eh? Doitsu? *thinks* Doitsu? Nah, swiss =p

Wah, Tesshi said it twice!!! DOITSU XD

The cutest was though テゴ saying „bye bye zou-chan“ in his most adorable voice XD

During the MC they talked a lot about dogs ^-^

It kinda started with Massu talking about clothes, and something that happened to Tegoshi’s pants !?!?! Tegoshi was shocked and oh he did the most sweet grimaces.. they talked about outfits and how easily Tegoshi picks out his outfit? Something like that and then Tegoshi was like he wasn’t shopping since (a long time ago…) and so Tegoshi was asking Massu when he went shopping last time and he was like today =P Tegoshi was like “eh?” .. Massu apparently went shopping in Harajuku today and saw many fans LOL

He talked about clothes and Family sales XD He went to family sales recently but Tegoshi was like, how come? You most likely went by yourself, right? - yeah - that’s not the meaning of family sale and they discussed family sale and family and that he should be with a family if he goes to a family sale or something like he is not being fair when he goes by himself .. I dunno I kinda kept looking at tesshi’s bum XD gomen but he was facing either Massu - which gave me more of his face’s view - or either he faced the other side so I only saw his pretty behind.. =p

Anyways, Massu wanted to know what Tegoshi did today and he said he went home to his dog? Tiiny-chan.. and that she is the most kawaii dog ever.. like that her ears are all fluffy because she is a Papillion and stuff he keeps saying once he talks about her ^___^ mecha kawaii !!! he talked about the guitar case incident and so on.. somehow Massu brought up miniature dachshund’s XD and some issue he has with them.. I didn’t understand =p but seems like he doesn’t like miniature dachshund much and Tegoshi kept talking about dogs and how precious they are and in the end he gave a pretty touching speech =p

Just too cute!

Massu: “ii hanashii ne”

Tego: “ii hanashii desho ne!”


They also talked about food and dinner and small things ^^”

and about DREAMBOYS' cast ... their hair!!!

chicken and Tegoshi's feathers .. and I dunno >:<

When they sang Chu Chu Chu they introduced a weird dance xD

It was cute and fun but a bit silly, well it’s Tegomasu so it’s fine ^_^

Tegoshi was like, for the fans can you do it one more time more slowly so they can learn it. Massu surely did what Tegoshi wanted, but LOL he tried it in slow motion XD a bit too slow, then he had to do it one more time, faster and the went like “frtzgholpjhbgvbhjnmkjnhbgvbhjn” LOL


Tego tried it toooo, SUPERSPEEDY and then we started the real thing =p

The way they sung was incredibly sweet! They had sooo much fun!!! All the way ~~~

Next was PASTA ~ guess it’s my least favorite song right now because there is a little bit of the chorus’ melody that bugs me =P but live it was really cute and fun to sing along ^_____^

After Pasta was HANAMUKE ^_^

Lovely sung! Just lovely ~

But the next song was SO DAMN upbeat again, BOKURA NO SORA!!!!!

Live this one is a total rocker! XD I loved it sooo much !!!! ^____^
they turned it into something special! It was really fun, hard to describe but they just enjoyed it soo much and oh I did too ^-~

Lots of jumping and penlights and fun <3

Youkouze my friend ^^

HIGHWAY was next, again a wonderful song, upbeat and lots of fun ^____^
テゴ dancing wildly and enjoying himself to he MAX!

You could see sometimes he tried to look collected and serious but he failed so much cause how HE hold back his incredible smile? He can’t he just looses it all the time but I’m happy he does ^-^

He shines so much!!! ^^

Well, next was Cheetah, Gorilla, Orangutan!

SO INCREDIBLE!!! so much FUN!!!!

Can’t wait for the DVD!!!!

They showed both boys in animal costumes on the main screen but I couldn’t watch because I decided rather looking at Tegoshi in front of me >_< but the pictures must’ve been sooo cool!

TEGOSHI in a yellow tiger costume, paint on his face and oh his hair to a Mohawk!

Just toooo amazingly cute!!!

He also did wicked poses on the one’s I got a glimpse of!

JE will be in trouble if they won’t release the pictures in one way or the other >-<

During the song they jumped a lot and some other time before they used side stages for a bit and the back stage too but now they were just running around madly and it was a blast ^^ they made us scream and sing along to “ai ai ai …” and “la la la” like weirdoes ^.~

テゴ did also the introduction of the rest of the band and at some point when they introduced each other he did weird noises again LOL ~ something like “la la la la la aishiteru no” but in a high pitched and with most hilarious poses ^_____^ baka テゴ <3

Then it was over >___<

Well the encore was coming ^^

Starting with Yoru wa hoshi wo nagameteokure

Um, it was super intense! Brought me to tears, seeing the boys singing so pationately… especially at one point when the main screen showed a very well done collage of both who already stood next to each other in the center of the main stage.. it was just too much! They sang with all their heart and their voices were super strong!!! And not to forget the lyrics… just awe >_< bring tissues!!!!

As expected next was Kissu kaerimichi no love song..

Of course this one too!

Very intense, touching, lovely and just simply beautiful. It was wonderful as everyone sang along strongly and the part where only the fans sang was incredible. Everyone enjoyed it I believe.

During the songs Tegoshi held a sweet speech about their gratefulness towards everyone and everything they got to experience through music and thanks to tegomasu… well that’s my interpretation >_<  Massu too! He said his thanks ^-^

His voice was so soft and sweet, it was really touching without understanding every single word ^^”

Then they said their goodbye’s like every time.

A happy feeling but also sad it was over!

ARGH, it’s past 2 AM now and I have work from 6 later…
and not to mention I’ll go to another show at night ^______^

So, hope someone enjoyed this report a little ^^

テゴマスのあい2ndライブ 2010-06-03 @Yoyogi [audio]

Bai bai ~

some quick pix


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