Title: Forever you're my world.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Tegoshi Yuya/Yamashita Tomohisa
Genre: Romance
Summary: What are the days like without having Tegoshi around?
A/N: Minna~~ It's been a while, Riina desu.
I felt quite out of touch with writing this week, and after a power nap and before going to bed again I give you this little piece of fiction. It’s something I haven’t done I guess, not like that but I hope you will like it in some way ^-^
I got inspired for this when I came to realize that every night without having pi-chan (my DOG) around me it’s so hard to fall asleep! It feels empty if he’s not snuggling up to me and I can stand the quiet and the clock’s tick tocks when there is nothing else to hear! Yes. My dog snores and his breaths are my lullaby. I wish it wasn’t my dog’s lol but oh well it’s still amazing how that baka thing of a dog can affect my sleeping time so much ~~~
This fiction….
It’s all about Pi-chan’s POV!
And of course it’s not his dog he’s talking about XD
Today should have been like any other day, a wonderful, bright and warm day despite the winter season just began. It wasn’t the lack of sunshine that ruined it; no it was the lack of you. I mean it was because you weren’t here by my side when I woke up this morning, a morning sunny and noisy but all so dull when I realized the bedside to my left was empty. The happy feeling that would have crept up on me when the first rays of sun hit my sleepy face crumbled into sorrowful nothingness when I came to see you weren’t there. The agonizing quiet that filled this pretty, but oh so lonely hotel room appeared to be more eerie and restrictive this morning and there wasn’t much I could do to chase away this creepy feeling. I tried hiding under the cozy bed covers; slowly I pulled them over my head, pressing shut my stingy eyes. My breath quickened, my thoughts circling around you once more and knowing that it won’t change a thing if I just wished for you to be here right now. It made me oh so angry and I felt oh so low, knowing another lonely day lay ahead of me. I wasn’t really lonely, right? I had my music and there was so much to do before every show, not to mention the many many people that worked hard for my sake. Yeah I wasn’t alone, but I felt lonely after all.
Only a few more days I kept telling myself as I got up and took a hot shower, followed by a lot of freezing cold water. I felt finally awake and ready to face the day, without you. I did well. Every day went well, of course. I was a professional after all, right? At least my fans enjoyed the shows and screamed their hearts out. It has always been a lovely feeling to know people love you like that, people appreciate you like that and people sacrifice so much to just see you. It’s what keeps you going when you work in this kind of business, but I guess every person no matter what their occupation is fuels on ‘appreciation’. It’s just human. I personally enjoy encouraging others as well, not only to give them strength but also to show my appreciation for their work, for them.
The loneliness crept up on me as soon as I left the hotel and settled for some breakfast. Many people kept running around and it was noisy as hell. It wasn’t very enjoyable this morning and I felt how I slowly became tired again, it didn’t last long though since the dance rehearsal got me all fired up again. We danced for what seemed hours and actually might have been hours. I don’t remember but soon I found myself done, literally done for today. But there was no way this day was over yet! So I had to soak up the sun and fuel on some food.
Today I refused to go to have lunch with the others. It wasn’t like I wanted to be alone; I enjoyed the other’s company a lot but something inside me didn’t want to be happy today. Not with them.
The rest of the day passed by really fast; the show ended with a loud ‘bang!’ and everyone seemed to be at their best and success was written on my face, once more. Lazily I dragged myself up to my hotel room to get some peace and well deserved rest. Yes I felt like I really deserved some time out for I worked my pretty ass off for everyone. Not that I didn’t enjoy it but I got to a point where I had enough, for today at least. Tomorrow was a different subject. I would never get bored of this, never. So I told myself almost every day.
I let myself fall onto the bed, it was warm and the mattress felt super soft under my touch. I sighed; it was a great feeling not having a single thing to worry about for the moment. I thought about calling you, but I guessed you were already in bed so instead I quickly sent you another text message, wishing you a peaceful night, sealed off with a virtual kiss.
I put away the phone and switched off the lights. Turning in such a big and empty bed makes u feel so small and oh so lonely. I press my tired eyes shut and try to fall asleep quickly so I won’t have to think about our separation for all too long again. It didn’t work.
I lay awake for what seemed hours and maybe I actually lay there for hours. I don’t recall when was the last time I peeked at the alarm clock next to my bed. I wished I had bought a digital wristwatch as well cause all I could hear was the low but oh so bugging ‘tick-tock’ that was hearable all night. I never liked to listen to clocks tick when I lay in bed, therefore I never bought any non-digital clocks for my walls, ever. This watch though was a present, right? So how could I not wear it? It’s a pretty neat watch, metallic and shiny. Not leather, I don’t like leather watched and you knew that.
Did I really think about watches and clocks and tick tocks all night? How depressing is that. Well I didn’t really, in the end every thought came back to you - and well that left me thinking about you most of the time after all. Of course with the result of how much I am missing to see your bright smile. I knew I should have fallen asleep hours ago but I couldn’t. Without you there it was oh so surreal and the silence drove me mad. Not to mention the steady tick-tock-ing sounds, so ok it wasn’t all that silent but without you here it was after all, silent that is.
When we lie in bed the thing that helps me fall asleep is when I listen to you sleep. The way your steady breaths come out in such a beautiful way always fills me with happiness. Oh you don’t even realize how fast and well I can sleep when I am happy. And I am always happy having you close. I never thought I could adore someone sleeping as much as I do when I watch you sleep and listen to you breathe.
It’s missing right now, your breaths - steady and peaceful, low and warm.
And it’s driving me insane.
I bet everyone will be really angered if they have someone as insane as me around tomorrow, but what am I supposed to do?
It’s not only your breath I am missing, also your touch. I didn’t like to be touched when I was in such a desperate state for sleep. Sleep always had been sacred to me but from the moment we slept together I could sense that there was a lot about to change. Now it’s the most horrible thing lying in bed without your breath against my back or face, without your sweet touch before you fall asleep - burying your hands somewhere under the blanket and around any body part of me. It feels cold without your warm skin against my own.
Not only my sleeping habits changed, everything about my life changed and I don’t regret any of these changes I only miss being able to live these changes at times like this.
I will live through it right? I have to.
Soon we’ll be together again and then, well we got also a lot to catch up with before bedtime but I am really looking forward to the night I can peacefully fall asleep next to you again.
Forever you’re my world.
I am sorry for spelling mistakes or plain stupid sentences ^^ I will maybe revise it tomorrow but now I got to go to bed >.<
….despite the lot of stress I had today it was a lovely time too, I just got to fall for a lot of beautiful songs! it's like Pi-chan (not my dogXD) always says, it's the most beautiful thing if you get to discover a new band or song(s) !
It gives you so much power and makes you happy =p
...and yes, these songs I keep on playing over and over today are simply beautiful.
Thank you music! ^.^
aw and yeh I xposted this over at our sweet little community