No more fast food. EVER.

Jul 13, 2004 08:57

Uugh. Sucks. I'm never, ever, ever eating fast food again (unless it's Quiznos or In & Out Burger... and perhaps my beloved Taco Bell :X). Neither is Nate.

I slept most of the day yesterday because I took an allergy pill around 6 am, and they knock me out good. Nate went to bed some time afterwards, and at some point while I was asleep, Pat brought home some Wendy's for us... burgers and chili. Awesome, right?

Well, sure, but we weren't awake enough to be hungry, so Nate set the food on the shelf above the bed and went back to sleep. I woke up for some reason, later and ended up scolding Nate for leaving it in front of the window where the heavily-filtered sun could get at it and moved it into the living room, where it was relatively cool and dark, since the blinds were closed. Then, I went back to bed.

Nate woke up before me and ate his food, which was fine for the moment. I woke up and he asked me where the antacids were because he had some indigestion. I told him and he brought them back down and then gave me my food. I ate that, already having had a bad feeling about eating it, but I did it anyway.

My mistake.

Nate's indigestion progressed through the night into nausea, heartburn, stomach cramps, bloating and gas. He tried to make himself throw up while he was in the bathroom, but nothing happened. This is what he told me. Eventually, he had to take one of the suppositories we had left from the monster flu to prevent any natural purging that may have eventually occurred and he began to feel better. Anyhow, he improved over the night while he was online, browsing pofo and playing a little bit of combat mission for a while... until the cramping left his stomach, he became hungry, and then started to have watery, painful and frequent diarrhea.

I, on the otherhand, had severe heartburn and nausea for a while, and took a suppository myself, and I feel fine now. Except some mild heartburn because I just ate a hot dog about half an hour ago. Nate had some LIFE cereal and he's doing okay, he just feels icky and has periodic trips to the bathroom and a tender, you-know-what from all the pooping.

Pat stopped by after I called her earlier this morning to tell her about Nate's condition and my concerned for hydration and possibly a trip to see the doctor, and she said he seemed to be doing okay, all things considered, and that she would bring back some gatorade for hydration and might consider taking him to the doctor if he takes a turn for the worse. Considering how far he's improved since last night, I doubt that will happen, but just in case, we still have suppositories and the car is readily available today, I hope.

I should have taken the truths printed in "Fast Food Nation" to heart. I knew I was going to get food poisoning, or atleast sick, if I ate Wendy's today. :\ Stupid fucking me.

I also paid our phone bill for the downstairs line with my own money. Apparently, despite Paul's claim of sending out the checks last month, the ridiculously low bill of a dollar something remained on our bill, so I took care of that, along with the 33.88 we had for this last month. I'll notify Pat between now and Friday (pay day), so she can reimburse me, since it's her responsibility to pay for utilities, I just keep track of what is due where and when. I do my job and I will be paying 'rent', so to speak, once I have a regular income. About 50-100 a month will probably be reasonable, especially since she doesn't ask anything of me at the moment. The least I can do to repay her for taking me into her home and supporting me all these months (nearly 2 years, actually).

Anyhow, I STILL have to call Wacom about my tablet. They never replied to my email, so I'm questioning their quality in customer service. And products, since my first purchase of something by them turned out in shit. I'm worried I'll call their number and find out that they don't even have a business anymore. XD Oh, that'd be my luck!

My sleep schedule's been off lately (6-9 pm until 9-10 am awake, sleep from 10 am or so to 7 pm abouts...), and their hours are like... 9-5 or something during the week. Banker's hours. So it's been hard to work in the time to call and not be half-asleep and incoherent or cranky. :\ If my electronic registration went through, I should have a year to get it done and still be under warranty, and I'm NOT going to take that much time. :|

So... Nate's playing Disgaea and relaxing, and I'm going to fart around online until I get tired.

OH YEAH: I tried changing my layout to the generator style, since everyone and their grandma's rickets has that for their LJ, but I don't like it. Call me a 'tard, black sheep, idiot or fashion/style-challenged, but it's not for me. I remember the days when tabular indent was the trendy style, and although I don't like it because of that, I DO prefer it to all other LJ styles.

I honestly wish LJ was the type of journal/blog thing like diaryland that allowed you to HTML a unique layout of your own creation for free, so long as you added a link/banner back to the site. I would still be using DL, if it had a community and comment system more like LJs. If I go back to DL, I can't be with all my friends, get comments without a stupid guestbook and can't join and post to communities like I can here.

So tabular indent for me. Poo on all you people. I like my color scheme more on this style anyways.
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