Still in progress as this is very very long!
What's your character's name? Nickname(s)?
Full name is Yamanaka Ino. She tries to pretend her nicknames don't exist, but she often gets called some variation of "Pig" by Sakura. Guts used to call her "piglet" and "prostitute demon".
How old is s/he?
She is sixteen as of her canon point. However, in game, she is twenty.
Nationality? Birthplace?
Konohan (?). She was born in Leaf Country in the village of Konoha.
Academic Background:
She graduated the Academy of Konoha successfully at age twelve. Generally attendance starts around age 5 or 6. She's also done a lot of learning/training outside of that that has unfortunately been omitted from onscreen interactions.
Occupation/Job Experience:
She works at her family's flower shop in Konoha frequently. In Paradisa she has also worked in the clinic for 4+ years, and has some time logged helping out at various other shops like the city flower shop, Yukiko's salon, etc.
Attitude toward management? Attitude toward Unions?
She has no idea what a union is. She generally prefers to be her own manager/be the one in charge. While she knows how to take orders from others, she doesn't really like doing it.
Attitude toward the various jobs s/he's held?
She's enjoyed all of the jobs she's taken on some level!
Character's ambitions?
Most of all, she really wants to be strong enough to protect all of her friends from whatever comes their way. She is interested in saving as many people as possible. She'd also like to take over the family business someday (that business being both the flower shop as well as the interrogation department). Possibly get married and have kids someday?!
Military Experience?
In all technicality, a full-fledged shinobi is a member of the military in her universe. As she became a full-fledged ninja at the age of twelve, she has quite a bit of experience on the field doing missions! The exact numbers of missions she's done are available on her wiki page. In the canon point she is pulled from, she is currently heading off to fight in a world war, which would be the first time she's participated in a full out war. She's had her share of battles outside of that, though.
Reaction to his/her military experience?
Overall she takes it on pretty well. She learns from her mistakes rather quickly. As for the more traumatic things that have happened (for example, watching Shizune's soul get sucked out of her body, or her sensei being killed), she seems to deal with it quite well. While she cries and gets upset at the scene of the event, she's able to get herself together and deal with it.
Any traumatic incidents while in the service?
See above. The biggest traumatic experience is pretty much Asuma (her sensei) being killed while on a mission. As she was unable to save him, it was a huge blow.
Her greatest skills lie in her clan's genjutsu and botany-related tasks. She is also a very skilled healer and knows a lot about the human body, as well as fighting in general. While she's not extremely full of facts and information about various things, she is very observant and learns quickly.
Character's general intelligence level?
Her intelligence level is pretty high - not genius level, but above average. She's more "street smart" than "book smart".
Past Successes?
Pretty much every day is a success to her, unless a mission or something fails.
What is the character most proud of?
Her looks, mostly likely. Her appearance is very important to her and maintaining it is a point of pride for her.
Past Failures?
Plenty. Too many to list here. There are also many things that she blames herself for despite it not really being her fault which might fall under this category.
What opportunities have been missed?
I don't know that she's honestly missed any BIG opportunities in her life yet. When a chance comes along to do something better, she takes it. When a chance to do something she likes comes along, she takes it.
What does the character most regret?
Not being strong enough to save Asuma. If she were a better healer then maybe he wouldn't have died (at least, that's how she feels).
What were/are they like? Abusive? Supportive? Alcoholic?
Marital status/history?
When and how did s/he discover sex?
If not married, is there a significant other?
Significant Others?
Best friend(s)?
Hair Color?
Physical frame/body type?
Skin tone?
Hair texture?
Hair length?
Eye Color?
Eye brows?
Face: Gaunt? Lean? Puffy? Square? Rectangular? Oval? Expressionless? Stolid?
Body: Fat? Bloated? Thin? Bony? Frail? Muscular? Stocky?
Demeanor: Militarily Erect? Droopy? Leads with the stomach or breast?
Movement: Clumsy? Graceful? Stiff? Leisurely? Smooth? Brisk?
Walk: Military? Brisk? Saunter? Hip-swaying? Leisurely? Graceful? Clumsy?
Complexion: Sallow? Pale? Ruddy? Blotchy? Pockmarked? Pimply? Glowing?
Gestures: Animated? None? Big & sweeping? Small & economical?
Any physical deformities/weaknesses/handicaps?
Style of Dress/Favorite Clothing/Jewelry Typically Worn?
Color Preference(s)?
How does the character see the future?
What makes life worthwhile for the character?
What does the character see as worth dying for?
What does the character most hate?
What does the character try to avoid?
What is the character most embarrassed by?
What is the character most fixated on?
Any chemical substance use/abuse?
How does the character handle change?
Can the character easily empathize with others?
Does the character experience severe mood swings?
How does the character see his/herself?
What kind of a person would the character want to be?
How far away is s/he from achieving this ideal?
What strengths does the character think s/he has?
What weaknesses does the character think s/he has?
Current driving motivations?
What's the character's favorite fantasy?
How does the character know when he's doing a good job? Must the feedback come from outside of him/herself? Or does he or she just know?
Is the character's primary mode of learning seeing, hearing or feeling? What's his/her second strongest mode?
Work by themselves or with others?
Does the character look at things from the perspective of what's in it for him/her? Or more from the what's in it for themselves and others?
Moving toward or away?
What does character want or what doesn't the character want?
Matcher or mismatcher?
Does your character respond to the world by trying to find similarities? Or dissimilarities?
What does it take to convince your character of something?
How does the character decide something is true? Does he/she have to see it happen? Does the character have to hear others say it's true? Does he/she have to be involved with it directly to believe? Does he or she have to read it in print?
How often does this truth have to be demonstrated? Only once? Two or more times? Over a period of time? Consistently?
Motivated by possibility or necessity?
Does the character tend to do things only when he or she must? Or is he or she motivated by he or she wants to do, seeking out options, experiences, choices, paths?
Working style? Independent? Cooperative? Proximity?
Is the character only happy when working independently? Does the character function better as part of a group? Or does the character prefer to work with people while maintaining sole responsibility for a task?
Music Preference(s)?
What does the character dream about?
Is the character typically a leader or a follower?
What kind of public face does the character display normally?
How does the character show affection/love?
How does the character show handle grief? Can the character cry?
How does the character handle pain?
Is the character self-effacing?
Does the character apologize frequently?
Does the character have a temper? How is it displayed: actively or passive- aggressively?
Can the character keep a secret?
Would the character drop everything and help a friend in need?
Is the character always there for a friend in need?
Does the character "crutch" on other people?
Does the character make loans to friends?
Does the character let everyone know it?
Some people but not others?
No one?
Does the character like to be the center of attention all of the time?
Does the character tell friends what's wrong with them?
When a person is telling a story, does the character always try to outdo that person with one of his or her own?
Does the character have a clique of friends s/he associates with to the exclusion of others?
Is it easy for character to find good things about others?
Does the character promise to do things and then forget?
What role does humor play in the character's life?
What kind of energy level does this person typically display?
Describe the character's sense of humor.
How does your character talk?
Do they use a lot of slang, use a more aristocratic tone, etc.?
Does the character talk incessantly? Seldom? Only when important s/he do so?
How would the average person describe the character?
What's the first thing someone would notice about the character?
What is most likable about the character?
What is most disagreeable about the character?
How do others react to the character?