Oct 02, 2010 18:08


My list is full of dead journals, moved journals and people I've grown apart. I am more centered in real life projects plus I've been growing more and more apart from LJ. I've been meaning to do this cut for a long time but I either had no time or I kept forgetting.

Reasons you might have been cut:
✂ Your journal have been inactive since Spring 2010 or earlier.
✂ You don't use that journal anymore.
✂ Your entries have content that make me uncomfortable or I am just not comfortable with you.
✂ We don't share similar interests anymore.
✂ Our friendship have drifted apart very much, or simply we just don't talk as much as before.
✂ Well, you just don't comment.

No hard feelings, but if you still have something to say because I did something wrong on cutting you, you can always comment here or PM me. Comments screened of course.

Good luck and carry on with your lives~

!friends cut

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